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Comment Re:Happy Birthday IBM (Score 1) 189

IBM's innovation is occurring in non advertised or non consumer level markets. Currently they are a huge threat to EMC and NetApp in the storage sector with some of their products. Also aren't they leading the development charge in that new racetrack tech?

Comment Re:Here we go again... (Score 1) 276

10 years ago my first cell phone was from AT&T. I had a basic Nokia phone with some low level call plan and free nights and weekends. Month after month, I had a different bill. It was absolutely infuriating. A plan that should have cost me only 68.00 a month was costing me anywhere between 75 and 120 dollars a month. The swing difference per month was often 20 dollars or more. My phone usage was exactly the same every month but they would always come up with an excuse like, "oh well you started this call at 5:58 which means you weren't on night mode yet so that entire call gets billed like it was during normal hours." I've had T-Mobile for upwards of 8 years and my bill is the-exact-same-every-fkn-month on the dot without fail. I have unlimited text, data, and voice and here's the best part, it fits my budget. With UMA mode, I am never without signal. This is the other problem I have, the biggest complaint I hear about them is that they don't have good service. When I ask people if they use UMA mode, they sit there and look at me like a brain dead Walmart greeter. INFURIATING. Now I will have to go back to the shitty customer service that is AT&T? Are you kidding me? What about my unlimited plan? Will that be honored? Probably not or probably not for the same rate. This is seriously such a kick in the balls. T-Mobile was the best carrier for the price and if people would take 15 seconds to figure out UMA mode the signal/quality argument would just go right out the window. INFURIATING.

Comment Re:No you cant (Score 1) 557

I am not calling bs on your statements, but do you have any proof that public/state schools generally cost more then tech schools? Typically, from what I've seen, going to a local college is fairly cheep by comparison to these tech schools from what I've seen. I have known some people to have run up a significant amount of debt for their tech school degree which financially seems comparable to a private institution. I went to a local state college and I don't recall spending any more then 10k for the entire experience.

Comment Disappointing... (Score 1) 1276

When the face of your preferred party is a guy that is so ridiculous it makes you hate being a member of said party. Where are the moderate republicans to bring this guy back in check? I may as well just label myself independent. As a sidenote: you're a complete tool bag if you think Microsoft, Yahoo, or any other search engine for that matter isn't subject to government access like Google. He'd probably prefer us all to use Baidu for some crazy ass reason...

Comment Re:VMWare is not VMware view (Score 2) 80

I was actually going to mention this. VMware actually typically assumes you are on the latest version of their software products anyway. After reading the article I didn't think that this was as big of a catastrophe as some of you have made it out to be. Upgrading the VMware View client on the virtualized device doesn't really sound all that difficult and I highly doubt that this is bringing anyone who matter's production system to it's knees. Also, stop upgrading everything on the day patches are released. Second movers are sometimes the winners.

Comment Re:Unambiguously patented (Score 1) 663

Regardless of my opinion or language, a patent provides the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the patented invention for the term of the patent (wikipedia). The EU recognizes "open standard" and while it may have patents on it the intellectual property of the standard must be made irrevocably available on a royalty-free basis. H.264 is patent laden by MPEG LA and as someone mentioned above, some of the patents carry out all the way to 2028. There is an opportunity for MPEG LA to see the penetration of H.264 and then change their mind or go to the Googles and Microsofts of the world and say "hey guys, remember how you coded h.264 into your browsers... yeah well this one part (waves patent filing) wasn't what we wanted to be open and it looks like you guys missed it so we are going to need 2 billion dollars from each of you." Honestly, what's to prevent that scenario from happening? Hold on break out the lawyers, lets send html5 back to the drawing board while we figure out what parts of H.264 are open and what parts aren't and delay it more.

Comment Re:Unambiguously patented (Score 1) 663

When I think of open, I think "free to use as long as I don't turn around and go charge people for it myself." The patents don't seem to indicate a complete willingness to have it be open. It's kind of like the invisible fence for a dog wearing a shock collar. The yard is open as far as the eye can see, but we can only guess at how far we can run until that shock collar kicks in to reel us back. At minimum, perhaps the term "open" should be changed to "available to use within reason." There's probably better vernacular but thats what I could come up with.

Comment I doubt anyone here... (Score 1) 364

Is an actual T-mobile customer at all. I am a T-mobile customer and this doesn't affect me in the least. There are at least 3 or 4 models of phones (that I know of off hand) T-Mobile offers that natively can jump on open wifi connections and call and transfer data over Wifi networks as opposed to traditional cell networks. The data speed over Wifi is obviously superior to cell networks and only limited to the connection at the wifi host. I have a Blackberry and my phone is set to prefer wifi networks over the cell networks. Moreover, I've had a T-mobile phone that has done this for... I want to say, like 5 years? I do use the cell network occasionally to download content (on the road, out away from the city, etc), but the phone clearly indicates when the cell network is in use and makes you conscious that the speeds are going to be slower for retrieving video and content. Lastly, I think T-mobile must be one of the cheapest phone services around. You get what you pay for. Sidenote: can't RTFA. Page has been /. or something.

Comment Re:Too big a change too soon (Score 1) 349

Not to point out the obvious, but to point out the obvious: this is the same repackaged shit we see in IT on the same 10 year cycle thats always been around. Compute continuously cycles between the "cloud" and end user processing of data. Think about it. First was mainframe, then came personal computers, then came citrix, then terminal server, then desktop prices plummeted, then it was "web apps"... the cycle just continues as it always has. Chrome is a paradigm shift using a cycle concept, Google is just taking it to the next logical step. Think of it as them making the Citrix terminal (VDI, terminal server, whatever) portable and replacing the LAN/WAN with t3h Intarw3bs. The eventuality that Google has to deal with: how to overcome the fact that people are extremely resistant to change. Before the cycle I referred to only applied to business, Google is trying to apply it to the consumer level. Good luck to them.

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 446

So in Germany, if you email yourself a list of customer credit card numbers from the employer's database, then copy and paste that information from the email to a Word Document or whatever the iPhone equivalent of said text file is, then that data is then your personal property and it's illegal to wipe it? Based on that scenario, a company that nukes your iPhone that you placed into their infrastructure, has committed a felony. Your counter example to my scenario above is of course, why not just send the list of customer credit card numbers to a web mail account? Most likely a company has measures in place that scrub emails with data that appears to be credit card related (etc). The difference with the iPhone/exchange scenario is that the email would be sent from yourself, to yourself and essentially would never traverse the front bridge web server, yet it would still "leave" the company to your personal phone. If what you say is true, Germany sounds like a silly place, let's not go there.

Comment Re:Creator and Overseer of Android Responds (Score 1) 864

The tweet is FUD... He missed the most important part.. How do you install this on a Droid or most other Android devices? You need to root it just like you do to jailbreak a iPhone.

Android devices are far from open.. Don't believe the hype... My hope is for a Ubuntu tablet.. Maybe that will actually be open...

Isn't your argument flawed though? Apple vertically monopolizes the entirety of the platform by dictating hardware, software, and subsequently content to some degree. Droid phones need to be rooted because of additional software phone companies place on these devices to prevent their "bloatware" from being removed. While Droid based phones may be "far from open" the culture promoted by Google, is quite the opposite from the culture imposed by Apple. Conceptually the tweet is accurate, in practice not so much. I feel like the arguments being pushed by Jobs are trying to point out what's wrong with Droid, but they are somewhat out of context, because at the level Jobs is advocating it's really Apple vs. Phone companies and not Apple vs. Google.

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