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Comment Re:People who do not learn from history.... (Score 1) 253

are doomed to reinvent J2EE.


Can your framework handle two-phase transactional commits when it interfaces to other applications?

Sure. Most apps don't need that, mind you, but if there's a need then 2PC is fairly trivial to implement *where it's needed*.

How well does it support single-sign across apps deployed across different servers but behind a reverse proxy that unifies them under a single domain?

What does that even have to do with anything?

Can you cluster multiple hosting servers for your app to minimize downtime during app upgrades? Does your application sessions failover to the other members of your cluster correctly, if so?

Sure. No java needed to use a loadbalancer and build stateless and/or SOA apps.

Can you take legacy code and layer your app around it without needing to rewrite the legacy app? Can you do this even if the programming team who wrote the legacy app is no longer around?


When you discover that you are having intermittent glitches ... Put your product into a supported trace mode and get your vendor to support you

Bullshit. NewRelic works pretty fine for rails. All platforms come with debugging machinery of various kinds, many of which are heads and shoulders above what you're probably using in your java-shop.

I have yet to see a professional grade alternative to it.

Meanwhile over here in the real world, many people build apps using those "unprofessional" alternatives just fine. Sometimes very quick, too.

Comment Re:DJB might agree (Score 1) 172

Is it the one where DJB pretends bugs don't exist for years by handwaving them as user error?

Do you have a citation for that?

I know of exactly one DJBDNS bug:
djbdns<=1.05 lets AXFRed subdomains overwrite domains

Afaik that bug was acknowledged (and paid for) rather quickly.
As a happy djbdns user I'd be curious to learn about other bugs that I've missed?

Comment Re:Difficult to work with? (Score 1) 172

The existing BIND 9 mechanism are not hard for your small domains that change rarely, but they don't work if you have tens or hundreds of thousands of domains that you manage, which change on a frequent basis

Only problematic if you are doing it with AXFR. Nobody in their right mind uses AXFR, right?

and would like their DNS to be better integrated... something today that usually means running Windows Active Directory or similar proprietary solutions.

So you're planning to design a piece of internet backbone software to interoperate with... Active Directory.

Managing "a few simple test [sic] based config files" across tens of computers distributed around the globe is a non-trivial task.

Reading your comments here is giving me serious chills. Yes, managing said config files (ideally only *one* config file) is as trivial as it can even get. We have rsync, scp and a variety of insanely powerful version control systems to aid with that. We have entire operating systems with mature toolchains built around the notion of dealing with text files and streams.

DJB has even demonstrated what a half-sane config file format for a nameserver can look like (hint: nothing like the bind zone-files).

We can trivially generate these files from any data-source (yes, even ActiveDirectory) and, if a sane format was chosen, we can also diff them and easily build middlewares to sync both ways with *any* kind of directory service or database desired.

Sorry if this comes across personal, but have you considered outsourcing this entire project to google? Like them or not, they definitely have more competent engineering muscle for a project of this magnitude - and will likely take on the issue anyways after, or even before, Bind10 has flopped.

Comment Re:Apple viral marketing campaign (Score 2, Funny) 501

Sorry to cloud the issue with pertinent facts though, carry on.

Talking about "facts" in the context of jewish zombies, born of virgin mothers, is a bit laughable.

Especially when all you have to back it up is a lamb that was slaughtered and had it's blood put on the doorposts of a house to save it's occupants from the angel of death in Egypt. Yeah, right.

And now excuse me while I go slaughter a lamb. These goddamn death angels are all over the place here on Saturdays, time to take action.

Comment Re:Nuke Free Only Until When (Score 1) 705

The main difference is, as you will probably point out, the number of people killed. Your solution kills many, many more people, and fails to help millions that really, really could use our help.

The other difference would be that his solution respects the sovereignty of a foreign country and yours doesn't.
Another facet might be that his solution leads to more isolation for the evil-doers (unless they change their minds) whereas yours would likely spawn sympathy for them.

Comment Re:contractor position? (Score 1) 675

Well, you made a dumb move and got lucky so far. Still nothing to recommend to anyone else.

Have you considered what happens when your current boss, by coincidence, meets someone from your old company and they get talking?
The world is small, the business world even smaller. Nobody likes liars, good luck trying to shake off that stigma.

Generally your whole story smells fishy, as if a 16yr old made it up on the spot. But I'll give you that for the sake of the argument.

Comment Re:contractor position? (Score 1) 675

I could chime in just about anywhere on this thread but I'll do it here:

Do not take job advice from slashdot. The amount of bullshit being posted here is just mindnumbing.
These poor man's terrorist tactics may sound totally cool while you're making them up in your basement or raving on about them with your buddies in school. They don't work in the real world. Lying is never a good idea and some of the proposed feetstomping can even get you in legal trouble. Worse yet, most former or future employers won't even bother to sue you. But they will tell others about your childishness. Good luck finding a job with *that* kind of reputation.

Comment Re:I'm guessing VMWare isn't that worried (Score 5, Interesting) 259

So, VMWare gives you free support for their paid product but citrix charges you for support on their free product? Boggles the mind.

We are currently doing a similar head-to-head and so far it seems that for the ESX license costs alone we can hire two full-time admins and buy plenty of support from citrix when needed. YMMV.

Comment Re:I GOT HIM! (Score 2, Insightful) 258

I don't think microsoft has an interest to deal with it in any way. This is a PR-effort to distract from where the blame should really go. Even if they "dealt" with this worm and its attack vectors in some way - the next worm is just around the corner. The security model in windows is just fundamentally broken, thus we'll continue to see worm attacks and pointless bounties.

Comment I GOT HIM! (Score 2, Funny) 258

Hey, I GOT HIM. Even made a photo for you.
Now sack him and send the bounty to my paypal please.

This is the guy who is currently officially responsible for windows being vulnerable to worm and malware attacks.
There have been others in the past but your bounty explicitly asks for the person responsible for this current "conficker" worm, so here you go.

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