IANAL but my guesses in Bold
Which of the following are illegal and why? Which of the following are in a legal grey area?
1) Trading CDs via US Mail - As long as they are original discs, legal
2) Ripping CDs that I own to mp3, and playing them on my computer. - Legal(Fair Use)
2a) Backing up CDs to mp3 on my computer - Legal(Fair Use)
3) Ripping CDs that I own to mp3, and then putting them on my mp3 player for my own personal use.
- Legal, it's still your own copy.(Fair Use)
3a)Loaning the mp3 player to my friend with the ripped music from question 3
- Tricky, if it was a CD player with the original discs, it would be okay,
but since you are still retaining the originals and only giving them a copy... dunno
4) Borrowing a CD from the library, ripping the CD to my computer and listening to the music on my mp3 player,
and deleting the music when I return the CD to the library.
- Legal, as long as you have the original.
4a) Never deleting the music from the computer/mp3 player
- Not Legal, you don't have the original anymore
5) Emailing an mp3 from question 2 to one friend to listen to, and requesting that he delete it once he is finished.
- I would think it's 'Not Legal'. it would be like burning a copy and giving it to someone, don't think it matters if you ask them to destroy it afterward
5a) emailing an mp3 to 10 friends and asking them to delete it once its been listened to? - Not Legal, same as 5
5b) ...not asking them to delete it. - Not Legal, see 5
6) Using a p2p service to trade mp3s from CDs they own with mp3s from CDs you own - Not Legal, you aren't exchanging the original discs with those mp3's
7) Using allofmp3 to download music
- Don't know, I'm not familliar with their system, i think it's legal if they are actually paying royalties
8) Stripping copy protection from iTunes or PlaysForSure music files, to play them on your mp3 player
- A twisted one, 'Fair Use' says that it's legal to make personal copys of music you own. But the DMCA says it's illegal to break things like DRM and encryption...
9) How does the RIAA show that the music you have on your computer are not backup mp3 files from CDs that were destroyed or lost by you?
- Dunno that one... Obviously if you have like 5000 mp3's, they might ask that you prove you had the finacial means to buy that many CD's
9a) Can I use a p2p service to acquire a song I legally owned from a CD I owned, but was destroyed or lost?
- Maybe... Another tough one