Comment Re:the 70's called (Score 1) 343
We're just getting rid of one of them, instead.
We're just getting rid of one of them, instead.
Unfortunately we can never use our telepathic abilities, because that just might interefere with someone who is driving.
So many real issues to worry about, why get caught up in the ludicrousness that is the idea of the 9/11/01 conspiracy?
Or if nothing else, just think about this; they didn't actually have to make it happen, to be able to take advantage of the event once it did happen. 9/11/01 happened, whatever lead to it. And it was abused to gain the government powers it didn't need, powers it used in ways that don't benefit the public. We know that. We don't need to rely on conspiracymongering to see that there are wrongdoings, and that there are many politicians and heads of government agencies who at the very least should be out of a job, in not in jail.
If only the NSA database were opt-in.
Why would we have a long-term interests as a species? I mean, it's nice to care about future generations, but there's nothing in it for us as individuals, past the point of death. Evolution isn't about what's good for individuals.
I think it's more that long life isn't necessary, rather than death being necessary. If you reproduce and raise individuals capable of doing the same, job done. The universe doesn't care. As long as the process sustains itself, it wins evolution.
But we can focus on what is best for the living individuals, rather than just the genes.
Decades doesn't seem that far off. But we won't get there if we don't try.
Our planet can't support 7 billion people for much longer. But if we simply reduced our reproduction faster than we increased our life spans, we could steadily shrink that number.
What about curing population growth?
At the extreme end, if we could live forever, why would we need to reproduce at all?
Right, I just get whatever the max is. Currently it's 25 Mbps, although the pitiful 5 Mbps upspeed is more of an issue.
I'd rather have 15 up, 15 down.
Yes, Sweden spies on everything that goes through there. *waves to Swedish underlords"
Norway of course, isn't actually part of the EU, just has a shitty deal that wouldn't be so shitty, if we actually used our right to veto.
And Norway rushes to implement EU regulations before most of the countries in the EU gets around to considering them. Or even as other EU countries have lawsuits to shoot them down. I wouldn't trust my country on privacy at this time.
I thought HBO had a more sensible approach to piracy. Or was that just the Game of Thrones producers?
I like to pay for content I enjoy, to promote more of that type of content, but I'm not giving money to people who don't play fair, and don't care about the health of the market and culture in general.
DRM is an issue, because it targets the paying customer. It can only get in the way, it has no other purpose.
If they could make DRM that didn't get in the way, they wouldn't need DRM in the first place.
A formal parsing algorithm should not always be used. -- D. Gries