Comment Re:What about Linux? (Score 1) 53
It will register itself as a USB keyboard, exfiltrate your ssh keys, and send insipid emails to your in-laws
It will register itself as a USB keyboard, exfiltrate your ssh keys, and send insipid emails to your in-laws
But that costs money
... this raises the possibility that Windows might actually be a functional and performant piece of work, one that has been unfairly maligned over the years due to the CIA's actions!
You're doing it wrong, you need to quote the path there:
$ ls -l "C:\windows\system32\mictray64.exe"
ls: cannot access C:\windows\system32\mictray64.exe: No such file or directory
No, it is not even fantasy to have a "destroy everything" password. Even a rookie investigator knows to make a copy first. If you provide self-destruct keys it'll be blatantly obvious.
They should shadow-block them! If you block them it gives the spammers feedback that the number they're using is burned and they will cycle onward to more numbers. If you shadow-block them instead and hang up after a "typical" number of seconds it'll make it much harder for them to know if they've reached an actual person or are being spambinned.
Thanks for enabling TLS, it was long overdue! The new overlords are shaping up pretty well.
> And seriously, who the hell is gonna hack your mobile phone?
I really hope you're never put in charge of anything important.
Can we can bring him out of retirement and put him back in charge?
That doesn't seem right....the SNI is not encrypted. They can block based on SNI, see
Link for the lazy:
So what are you going to do about the ones that don't demand an internet connection because they use the cell networks?
> What I believe is more effective at convincing them
And therefore requires *more* funding and consequently usurps *more* power. Maybe this is not the most effective approach.
Where does it say that ccXXXXXX.exe is a windows binary?
You can rename linux binaries to have a
> Along with the ability of screenshot taking, the Trojan has the AbAudioCapture special class to record sound and save it with the name of aa-%d-%s.aat in the WAV format. However, in fact, this feature is not used anywhere.
That's an entertaining thought but it looks like they didn't get it working at all
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.