Comment Re:Kind of scary (Score 1) 169
> 1. Better Israel than Russia or China
> 1. Better Israel than Russia or China
We all know that sulfur marks the presence... of The Devil! This finding only proves that The Evil is capable of interplanetary travel!
American-grade ignorance - hard to fake...
Can't let the public to peek behind the curtains of what atrocities is the CIA committing in the name of "freedom and democracy". No, that would not work at all!
Display the exam questions on captcha banners that protect pr0n sites from bots, and sit back and watch how the whole world passes your exams.
That's a common misconception shared by journalist who write about shale gas and oil, etc.
The real question is not "how many dollars does it cost to produce a barrel", since dollar cost is an arbitrary value set by humans, but rather "how much energy does it cost to produce a barrel"?
Once we cross certain threshold, all the remaining "flamable ice" will melt, and since methane is one of the most efficient greenhouse gas, we will turn Earth into second Venus.
As will these employees soon find out. Everyone who defies or makes fun of Mr. Trump should be in prison. Because he is taking back control!
People don't mind being spied on. Well, they say they do, but they really don't, otherwise they would do something to stop it.
After 10 years, the expression "personal privacy" will be reduced to simple oxymoron, because how can a person have privacy, when all his personal data are public or for sale?
... provided Microsoft decides that all those who enjoy the "free upgrade" option will have to start paying regularly.
Their own management probably bought majority of those units to boost sales stats. The bonuses that will be awarded for PS4 performance will cover the costs and there will be plenty left for personal yachts, jet planes and spacecrafts.
Capitalism is soft of a perpetuum mobile... for the select few.
For hackers with balls, try that on Air Force One.
"Hey, Mr. President, this is my seat!"
They made everyone switch to UEFI and now the world is safe, right?
Just let them do it. Once they add up the cost for maintenance, operation errors (because no software is perfect), replacement parts and robot life expectancy (because all machines break down eventually), they will find out that paying their workers properly might be much cheaper.
I agree. The "free market religion" is like cancer - once the metastases grow through all economies, there is no cure.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.