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Comment Re:Interac (Score 1) 240

One big difference is that Square isn't taking a buck fifty off the top, no fees at all to transfer money. As I mentioned earlier on twitter, they are probably eating the transaction costs to encourage people to sign up and put in their banking info so that the square network grows.
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Ontario teachers' union calls for classroom Wi-Fi ban (

KJE writes: "The CBC is reporting that an Ontario teachers' union is calling for an end to new Wi-Fi setups in the province's 1,400-plus Catholic schools. The Ontario English Catholic Teacher's Association (OECTA) says computers in all new schools should be hardwired instead of setting up wireless networks. The OECTA, in its paper (PDF), said the "safety of this technology has not thoroughly been researched and therefore the precautionary principle and prudent avoidance of exposure should be practised.""

Comment A purchase of UNITS? (Score 1) 170

If Apple was seriously interested in this company's tech, they'd have purchased the company and not a couple of units. I'd say a much more reasonable explanation is that Apple has has a Human Factors Engineering lab where they'd like to track where people are looking when using their products, so they can better place things like menus, icons, and buttons.

Apple Eyeing EA? 151

yerktoader writes "There are rumors that Apple might buy EA, but some interesting counterpoints abound. File this one firmly under 'unconfirmed,' but it's nevertheless a tantalizing rumor. According to Fast Money's Guy Adami, Apple is 'eyeing Electronic Arts as a takeover target.' EA is currently the second-largest games publisher in the world and owner of the smash hit NFL-licensed series of football games. Could we be facing the possibility of an iMadden? Well, probably not. Apple has indeed been bolstering its games know-how, hiring a major Xbox strategist away from Microsoft in recent weeks. And EA is no stranger to Apple platforms: in the last year it's brought several of its major franchises to the iPhone (with more on the way), including Sim City, Tiger Woods, and Spore, with considerable success. But it's a far cry from there to a takeover, and that's putting it mildly. Video games analyst Michael Pachter seems to agree. Speaking to Gamasutra, he pointed out that if Apple was looking to make some entertainment acquisitions, it could buy Warner Music — which controls 20% of the music industry — for roughly half of EA's estimated price."

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