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Comment Re:Thank you, Patrick! (Score 1) 76

Let me give my thanks to Patrick also as I have been using Slackware since 1996 (Slackware 3.1). Slackware 3.1 had the new Linux kernel 2.0!!!! I will be the first to admit that Slackware is not for everyone, however, for me it has and continues to be a great reliable distro and it is my "go-to" distro to get my work done. Excellent platform for coding and development. The amazing thing to me is that the install is pretty much the same as when I started using it. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" still applies and Patrick and his crew have done a wonderful job. Just wish the Slackware Store was still going though.

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I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere.
