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Comment The mystery of how the story got out (Score 5, Funny) 218

Slightly overweight visitor: "Ok, Glass..."
Heavily-Armed Librarian Guardian: "What did you say?"
Slightly overweight visitor: "Uh, I said... looking classy... Looking classy, Mr. Salinger!"
Heavily-Armed Librarian Guardian: "Shh."

[ later that day ]

Heavily-Armed Librarian Guardian: "I wonder why that guy was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask."

Comment Re:Physical objects wear out, digital objects don' (Score 1) 240

Of course! All new technologies must be handicapped to make sure that the sellers of old technology can continue to make money. All digital photos should come with auto-deletion code to make sure that the makers of photo paper continue to stay in business. And a guy with a sledgehammer should show up every five years at your door to make sure you don't just keep using your artificial knee replacement forever.

Submission + - New Technique for Mass-Producing Microbots Inspired by Pop-up Books and Origami (

Zothecula writes: Inspired by origami and children's pop-up books, Harvard engineers have pioneered a means of mass-producing bee-sized flying microrobots. The breakthrough mechanizes the already state-of-the art process of making Harvard's Mobee robots by hand, by mass producing flat assemblies by the sheet which can be folded and assembled in a single movement. The technique, which cunningly exploits existing machinery for making printed circuit boards, can theoretically be applied to a multitude of electromechanical machines.

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