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Comment Re:Hahaha (Score 1) 117

It's not obvious. I was completely mystified as to what the problem was until I read the comments here. I'm one of the most philosemitic people you can find -- I think the world needs more Jews, is in danger of running out if they don't get the birthrate up, and we should consider bribing them to have more kids -- and I think it's absolutely absurd that anyone would have a problem with this paper's title.

Comment Re:The explanation (Score 1) 117

Objecting to a paper because it has the word "Question" in the title is the most brain-dead thing I have ever heard. Perhaps, as some have claimed, the content is crap, but anyone who objected because of the paper's title should be booted out of the organization as an unserious person who's just there to cause trouble.

Comment No jursidiction (Score 4, Interesting) 111

Reminder once again that the US has no jurisdiction over Julian Assange. He is not a US citizen, and his actions did not take place within US territory.

The idea that one country may impose its laws on everyone in the world, no matter what their citizenship nor where they are, is absurd.

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