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Submission + - Google finds 1 in 25 page-views ad-injected, Chrome Store crammed with adware (thestack.com)

An anonymous reader writes: A new report [http://research.google.com/pubs/archive/43346.pdf] from Research at Google has found that more than 5% of unique daily IP addresses accessing Google — tens of millions — are interrupted by ad-injection techniques, and that Superfish, responsible for a major controversy with Lenovo in February [http://yro.slashdot.org/story/15/02/19/1348207/lenovo-allegedly-installing-superfish-proxy-adware-on-new-computers] is the leading adware behind what is clearly now an industry.

Amongst the report's recommendations to address the problem is the suggestion that browser makers 'harden their environments against side-loading extensions or modifying the browser environment without user consent'. Some of the most popular extensions for Chrome and Firefox, including ad-blockers, depend on this functionality.

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