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Comment Re:Completely valid (Score 4, Insightful) 1799

Sorry... no.

Sad as it may seem, the federal government (as screwed up as it is) is the only body that could possibly keep these fuckers in check. Your proposal would make the federal government weaker which would in turn make the Wall St. asshats stronger which in turn screws us all.

Instead of drowning the federal government in a bathtub (ala Grover Norquist), I suggest we take our government back from the greedy pigs and use that power to set things straight.

Simply getting rid of the sheep dogs because they've sold out to the wolves is not the way to go. If you leave the sheep to fend for themselves, we'll all end up as wolf poop.

What we need is new sheep dogs.

Comment Re:think younger (Score 1) 799

<quote>I think Bill Nye and the folks at Mythbusters are the ones influencing kids these days.</quote> ...which is really sad.

I took exception to Bill Nye's "science" over 25 years ago (when I watched him confuse mass and weight repeatedly). All respect was lost after that.

As to the morons on Mythbusters... they don't conduct anything that closely resembles science and their conclusions are tenuous at best.

I'll admit their show is entertaining sometimes... but science? No... that's not science.

Submission + - Google mobiles to make February debut? (

SpinelessJelly writes: "It appears that Google's Android, criticised by Microsoft as vaporware, has sprung to life. Prototype devices are circulating, software developers are experimenting with the SDK and PC-based Android emulator, and there are rumours of a show-stopping debut at February's Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. Numerous examples of the Android GUI are also starting to leak out."

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