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Journal Journal: Username in sig 3

Metamoderation deliberately strips out the username so that people can't be deliberately targeted in metamod. I just came across a post in metamod where the person posted his own username/initials (just above his sig).

I don't think this is really a "big deal" because metamod is random and you can't get karmascrewed by someone smacking you with 5 downmods, but it's worth thinking about.


Journal Journal: Privacy 2

It's nice to see the usual morons on /. shilling the "if you have nothing to hide you don't need privacy" line. Why don't we see how much they really believe that? If they're posting it as AC, deride them for their hypocrisy. Otherwise, if you've got time on your hands and see someone spewing that BS, try to find as much personal information on them as you can, using google or whatever other tools you can find. Post it as a reply to their post, email their boss/wife/whatever, do as much as you feel appropriate.

If people actually believe that privacy shouldn't exist, let's start with them.

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