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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 2 accepted (10 total, 20.00% accepted)


Submission + - Intel announces a BIOS Implementation Test Suite (

Josh Triplett writes: Intel announced the release of a BIOS Implementation Test Suite (BITS), a bootable pre-OS environment based on GNU GRUB2 that tests how well (or how badly) your BIOS has configured your platform hardware. BITS also includes Intel's official power management reference code, so you can override your BIOS's initialization with a known-good configuration. "In addition to those changes to GRUB2 itself, BITS includes configuration files which build a menu exposing the various BITS functionality, including the test suites, hardware configuration, and exploratory tools. These scripts detect your system's CPU, and provide menu entries for all the available functionality on your hardware platform. You can also access all of the new commands we've added directly via the command line."

Submission + - Mozilla accepts Chinese CNNIC root CA certificate ( 1

Josh Triplett writes: As reported by LWN, Mozilla has accepted the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) as a trusted CA root. This affects Firefox, Thunderbird, and other products built on Mozilla technologies. The standard period for discussion passed without comment, and Mozilla accepted CNNIC based on the results of a formal audit. Commenters in the bug and the associated discussion have presented evidence that the Chinese government controls CNNIC, and claims of malware production and distribution and previous man-in-the-middle attacks in China via their secondary CA root from Entrust.

As usual, please refrain from blindly chiming into the discussion without supporting evidence. Since Mozilla has already accepted CNNIC as a trusted root CA, the burden seems to rest with those who argue for its removal.

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