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Comment Re: what is windows? (Score 1) 108

Most Linux users literally can't STFU about Linux

It's not most users in my experience - but ever community has its zealots.

I've never considered a computer to be a fashion statement - it's a tool to get jobs done and provide entertainment when I am not doing jobs. For me, Linux does most of what I need a computer to do, and I can configure it to keep my identity away from evil empires as much as possible. Plus I can fiddle with it on tiny SBC computers like the Raspberry Pi or 20 year old laptops. I am "happy as a pig in wossit" doing what I do, I could care less what most other people are doing.

The missus has everything Apple - I can't deal their products (too walled garden) but she loves it all. If it works for her, so be it.

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 108

You're one of the Z80 guys? Heathen! Spoken by a C64 guy.

I think most of depends on where you were in the world at the time - US and Germany (and a few other places), you were a C64 person. UK (where I am) and Spain, you were a ZX Spectrum person. I did go to the Amiga after the Spectrum, if that helps.

Hey, we're "just 8-bit guys" anyway, that's good enough.

Comment Re:Linux is clearly missing something... (Score 1) 74

But I'm not sure why you think this is relevant.

That could just be down to limited comprehension skills on your part. Your lack of understanding isn't necessarily my problem. Perhaps go read my comments a few more times, see if something finally "clicks into place"?

They haven't renamed NTKRNL386 (or whatever it's called) for Windows 10X.

I don't use Windows 10. I simply use it as a "comedic device" to mock crappy operating systems in general.

Ubuntu, which is a whole operating system

I don't use Ubuntu either. I have used operating systems for almost 40 years now, but thank you for educating me as to what one actually is.

I do think, however, that you might want to give your snobbery a rest.

Would you like me to submit my Slashdot comments to you for "editorial approval" first, in the future? You're beginning to sound like a bit of a control freak now. If you don't like my comments, you don't have to read them. That's what free-thinking adults who aren't "butt hurt" about insults to their (mis-)operating system of choice would do.

Touch screen phones are now the primary communication devices among most of the US population

Irrelevant as I am somewhere in the continent of Europe anyway.

tablets have uses in professional, education, and leisure spheres.

They are expensive toys for media consumption only. There is nothing you can do on a tablet that you cannot do much less painfully on a laptop with a good keyboard.

But with an attitude like that I'm sure you're real fun at parties.

I probably don't go to the sorts of parties you go to - presumably ones where people like you gather together for some mutual "positive reinforcement" and hugging each other when a stranger on the Internet has said something that hurt them.

Please do tell, what do you think the artist merits of The Star Wars movies?

Star Trek is better than Star Wars. I prefer tea to coffee. I do more board gaming than I do computer gaming. My day job is with Linux too. I have no children but one cat. I recently built the Lego Apollo 13 rocket model.

There you go, "pick your poison"...

We're all itching to hear your opinions.

Of course you are, given that this is a public messaging board on which it is of no surprise to most people to read the opinions of others. Do try to keep up.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 1) 108

Since you've been so wrong throughout our dialogue, I am going to now bid you "Adieu!" and grant you the gift of the last word here - you may thank me later.

So write away to your heart's content below, and just pretend to yourself that I hung around long enough to read it.

Do have a most pleasant weekend, "not that guy but the other guy" signing off.

Comment Re:Linux is clearly missing something... (Score 1, Interesting) 74

A laptop version of Linux that replaces the keyboard with a touchscreen would still just be called "Linux".

And please do not educate me about touchscreens. To me, anything with a touchscreen that I personally own (three phones, one tablet and a couple of Raspberry Pi SBCs for games emulation) I classify as a "toy" and not designed for serious computing tasks.

The best computing device I have ever owned (and still own) is a 12 year old Lenovo Thinkpad X220 running Gentoo Linux and that is one of the last Thinkpad models to have a proper keyboard.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 1) 108

What you choose to run at home is your own business.

Good. So therefore don't comment on it in the first place so that you don't contradict yourself now and therefore kindly mind your own business. We agree on something.

Bitching about your employer following industry practice is narrow minded and unprofessional.

And had I given any indication as to the name of my employer, you would of course be correct. But I didn't, and given that I've worked solidly for almost four decades now with an extremely good reputation as an SME in my chosen fields, I will pass on any further "moral guidance" from a stranger on the Internet - especially one that could well have still been in nappies/diapers (delete where applicable) when I actually started work.

The only version of windows appropriate for production use in business today is windows 10 full stop.

I do not consider Windows 10 to be appropriate for any production use - but that's "just an opinion" as above, so let's move on.

Some may be forced to use older version for compatibility reasons in certain niche cases but you don't do so willfully.

I don't use any version of Windows wilfully, as I previously alluded to - and you still got that one wrong despite my telling you the contrary anyway. Again, let's move on, it's not fair to dwell on your consistent incorrect statements.

Lets attack the arguments not the person eh?

Indeed, and one might conclude that "narrow-sighted" is "attacking the person". But we've recognised your hypocrisy here too and dealt with it. Let's continue to move on.

Yeah no shit. We all know this.

Yes, but I've never met you so I don't know what you know before I say it, do I? All I surmised at that point was someone who was a bit "butt hurt" that I had the audacity to criticise Windows 10. That struck me as a childish response and logically, therefore, the assumption is that a child doesn't know as much as an adult. Hence giving you my insight into the update functionality of Windows 10, because I thought you probably didn't know it already.

It doesn't change the fact that all previous versions are no longer supported so you run them at your own risk.

Third incorrect statement. I made it clear at the beginning that I run none of them, full stop - let alone at any risk to me.

Your time at work isnt your own anyway so the privacy and telemetry complaints dont apply.

We've never met. The only thing you know about what I do as work and how I do it is what I told you above - and that isn't very much. So don't make assumptions and treat them as fact. That only makes you look a bit silly.

Again, do what you want at home.

Thank you, but I don't need your permission to do it anyway. I think you over-estimate your impact in my universe.

Dont be that guy at work bitching about what OS you have to run.

Which guy? Is there more than one of us? Can you point me to another one so that I can make my own comparisons against "another guy" that exists in the real physical universe? Because if "that guy" is a construct inside your own head, then I can't see it to make a comparison and comment on your accuracy, can I?

But by all means describe "that guy" here and if I haven't fallen asleep or lost interest in you by that time, we can do that comparison based on your description of what "that guy" actually is. Would that work for you? You might even be right, and that would be a first time throughout this entire thread!

You implicitly advocated for it by mocking the "corporate standard".

Indeed, I mocked the "corporate standard" of my anonymous employer. Just like when I last chose a new car, I mocked the first couple that I test drove due to not liking them either. Is it just in your universe (where "that guy" lives) where "adverse opinions" are frowned upon? Are you one of these people that struggles with mere existence unless you are "surrounded by positivity"?

This is all kinds of hilarious.

Excellent! I'm pleased we closed with a smile on your face because you get far too worried and "butt hurt" about things that strangers on the Internet say that weren't even said directly at you. You probably need to cheer up a bit - a bit like I did when I liberated myself from crappy operating systems in my life!

Comment Re:In other words (Score 1) 108

It's "narrow-sighted" in your view because you don't know any better. But it's still the opinion from "a stranger on the Internet" that probably will have zero impact on any change of strategy going forward.

Windows 10, particularly for home use, does not meet my security standards, and my job for the past 12 years in a career of almost 4 decades in IT and telecoms has been solely in cybersecurity and hardening (mostly Linux) servers and telecoms solutions.

Windows 10 updates itself when it wants to, and it installs the bloatware it wants to on itself when it feels like. It has horrific telemetry processes running on it, I do not want it sat on my home network where it can see what else I am running on it and phone it home to Microsoft.

And please do not put words in my mouth and then argue against them - because then I can just disengage from the conversation and leave you arguing with your own words like a bit of a loony.

"advocating for using unsupported legacy software in production is stupid" - sorry, where did I say anything like that? I said that I use virtualised Windows XP systems in my home environment because of certain applications I like to use. I then stated that I do a lot of my work documents on an **UP TO DATE AND CURRENT** Linux system with an ***UP TO DATE AND CURRENT** version of LibreOffice.

In summary, therefore, you can thank me later for helping you not look more foolish than you are just because you're a bit "butt hurt" that I can't stand Windows 10. So run along, nothing more for you here.

Comment Re: what is windows? (Score 1) 108

So what you are saying is that you deliberately restrict yourself to new experiences and knowledge because you only do things that are popular with lots of other people? How can someone actual live under that kind of philosophy?

Sonny, Linux has been on my desktop for the past 20 years and I plan for it to be there for the next 20, assuming I live that long. I couldn't give a flying fig about who also runs it on their desktop.

Comment Re:I've always slept extremely well at night... (Score 1) 54

...says the guy who thinks that just because a feature is on a device, that I have to automatically use it.

Just for the record, it's on none of my Linux devices - I use Gentoo Linux, it's a "roll your own" distro on which one can fine tune what is and is not installed on each build. I never include such features on my builds and therefore your statement above is factually incorrect anyway. It is not on any Linux system that I use.

I also use very little Windows anyway, I work for a company that considers Windows 10 as a "corporate standard" but those standards are beneath my own because Windows 10 does not meet my standards. The end result is I use Windows 10 for about 30 minutes a week for a timesheet app and have no interest in configuring it with any degree of enthusiasm to turn on pointless features like this, if they exist in the first place. Again, if it's on Windows 10, I have no knowledge of it or use for it. Another incorrect statement on your part.

In other words, your limited knowledge of other peoples' computing environments has allowed you to make incorrect assumptions about how others use computers which has led to your factually incorrect statement above. My advice is become better informed before making such statements in future. ...and don't get so "butt hurt" when someone makes a flippant comment about your beloved Apple. Fanboyism and intelligent discussion tend to be mutually exclusive.

Comment Re:Dual access to account (Score 1) 150

As I replied above, you can make a strong case for anything and I can't argue with either of the scenarios you have presented.

But my point remains the same, shared accounts are always a security risk and are always frowned upon in corporate environments. (For the record, my day job is hardening Linux systems for customers who have deployed our call centre telephony and reporting servers, so this is an area of expertise of mine.)

I don't actually believe 2FA is necessary in all cases, I certainly don't use it that much - but that's because I have multiple identities and email addresses for all of my Internet accounts, I use a long, unique and random password for each site that I access protected by a password manager, I use browser segregation on my computer systems and know what I am doing when it comes to security. 2FA essentially exists for those people that don't take as much care as I do and do use the same password on all the sites that they access - I also have no problem with it on financial, banking or any other sites where money transactions take place.

But if you take the same precautions that I do, then 2FA is unnecessary for most other scenarios.

Comment Re:Dual access to account (Score 1) 150

I am not disagreeing with you, I am simply pointing out some of the inherent "dangers" of sharing accounts and that the fact that they are not approved of in "corporateland".

I don't expire any passwords of any of my personal Internet accounts, life is far too short to worry about that - I just use a long and unique password for each site that is protected by a password manager, I also anonymise myself with multiple identities across those accounts too.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 2) 108

1. There are a few older games that I play that run perfectly fine in an XP VM.

2. I have a very large CD music collection that I rip myself to my home server - two registered applications that I use to do that are "Tag&Rename" and "MediaMonkey" which I have used for years, enjoy using, and both work well in Windows XP. "foobar2000" is also an extremely good and free Windows audio format conversion tool that I also like using.

3. I repair and rebuild "classic" IBM and Lenovo Thinkpads and enjoy installing optimised builds of Gentoo Linux (or some other Linux distros) on them to see for myself what they can do today - at last count I think I have about 50 of them, machines going back as far as about 1997. Many of them run XP perfectly fine and I often create a dual boot with Linux on them - you can even use them for light browsing if you install the "MyPal" browser on XP, which works well with modern web sites.

Those are the three main reasons that I can think of for still using XP, at least in some capacity - it's not my daily driver, Linux is. But I also play around with FreeDOS, MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 2000 also.

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