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Journal Journal: Rasputin

This is interesting. There is no "religion" topic category. Does that mean nerds are not interested in religion? Or that religion doesn't matter?

I watched 20th Century Fox's "Anastasia" again the other day. You know, the one where Rasputin is a bloodthirsty maniac who becomes a magical ghoul. As I understand it, Rasputin was a Christian mystic possessed of a supernatural endurance, and had the ability to calm the hemmorhaging infirmity of the Czar's son when he was around. When his political enemies tried to have him assassinated, he survived being poisoned, shot, and stabbed, before finally succumbing to drowning in an icy river.

There seems to be as much myth as fact surrounding stories of Rasputin. I can't say for certain if the stories of his miraculous power are exaggerated, nor the stories of wanton hedonism. But I want to use him as a jumping board to talk about his feats of Christian mysticism in light of what we now call Pentecostalism. Pentecost, called "The Feast of Weeks" or "Feast of Firstfruits" is the second holiest Jewish holiday, and literally means "50 days". It occurred 50 days after the resurrection of Christ, and was the onset of the Holy Spirit upon the earth (as chronicled in Acts 2:1-11), the promised "Comforter", and the "Power" that Jesus warned his disciples to not leave Jerusalem without.

Today, Pentecostalism refers to the class of Christian denominations which embrace the "ecstatic gifts", the "moves of the spirit", "manifestations", as described in I Corinthians 12:8-10. We believe the gifts did not cease after the first century--a common belief held my non-Pentecostal denominations. The most common of the gifts is glossolalia--praying in tongues (which is a personal gift; the cousin of this, "speaking" in tongues, is a corporate gift in that it, when followed by the interpretation (which is a different gift), serves the same purpose as a prophecy (yet another gift): a message from God to the assembly).

Needless to say, this phenomenon is misunderstood, even feared by many. If Rasputin truly excerised these gifts, he was surely feared by those who couldn't understand how he could do what he did. Nevertheless, all the gifts are manifested for our good... either ourselves, or those around us. Granted, the employer of a gift may have idiosyncrasies and shortcomings (which in Rasputin's case may be a serious understatement), but the gift *itself* is pure, as it comes from God. That must not be understood. God continuously works out for what is best for us, even when it's not what we "want".

Although I enjoyed the movie, it still galls me that it paints Rasputin as such a diabolical villain. If being a Christian mystic makes one a villain, then watch out... my church is loaded with them!

If you're interested in more information, please check this out. Lots of good stuff there. That's not my church, though; this is.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dagoth Ur, dead at last

Given that Bloodmoon, the second expansion disc for Morrowind is out, I figured I'd better get my butt in gear and finish the main quest, considering it's been over a year since I got the game!! My adventures in Vvardenfell were interrupted by Fallout Tactics, Warlords Battlecry 2, and Arcanum, in that order. Anyway, Dagoth Ur is no more. And now I wax poetic:

A greater foe Dagoth Ur had not seen
When I brought an end to the dreamers' dream
The Blight is gone
As well, Akulakhan
And the Nerevarine reigns supreme.

"What are you doing?!"
Heart of Lorkhan destroyed
Tribunal rescued.


Journal Journal: Radeon 9700 Pro

I shelled out $400 and got a Radeon 9700 Pro All-in-Wonder a few months ago, for the specific purpose of running Morrowind at a decent frame rate and visibility range, and I ended up playing Warlords: Battlecry 2 all the time, which as you know is a 2D game. Then, I picked up Arcanum for $20 in DC, and I can't stop playing the thing. It is 2D as well. Ironic!


Journal Journal: "Stay As Long As You Like..."

"...it would be a PRIVILEGE to speak with you."

I'm on Morrowind like ugly on ... you! =)

Seriously, why don't you have this game yet? Baldur's Gate 2 was pretty good. I liked Planescape: Torment. But Morrowind... it raises the bar, my friend. Way. Raises. Bar.

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