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Comment Re:Package manager? Librairies? (Score 3, Insightful) 17

Package managers can be useful. The main question is: Why ...why... why must every programming language come with it's own but package manager? maven, pypy, npm/bower,,...all the same crap but just with a different API. Oh and yes.. each package manager comes with different bugs/vulnerabilites as well.

Comment Next annoucment (Score 1) 97

Obvious next step is missing of course.. Microsoft is announcing it's own DoH service like google ( or cloudflare ( Because microsoft wants to have a peek at your DNS as well of course. Security? Privacy..nope they are not interested in that. Like google and friends they just want your DNS records, just like starbucks and all the others because that is where the money is.

Comment my experience (Score 1) 522

Problems I had with systemd on jessie before giving up.. 1/ When using virtualbox and mount my shared vboxsf using fstab... system died. No login prompt... nada just stuck. 2/ In another case (i still dont know the root cause) I got the emergency console with the messsage to fix the problem after login... But unfortunately I couldn't type anyhting at the prompt 3/ Jetty did'nt start. Nothing in systemd journal, nothing in /var/log/jetty). Forced the thing to use the normal init script and found the problem within 10seconds. So my conclusion is that it's not stable at this point in time and not for main deployment. I hope that debian is offering multiple init systems. Linux is about choice.. So let people choose... We can choose already the desktop, why not the init system?

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 3, Informative) 152

Running it on my debian system for some time now using the deb packages they from the mate website. Works smooth.. Only have to be carefull with mdm (mate display manager). There exists also a mdm package in the debian repos so when you blindly to apt-get install mdm you will likely not get what you expect..

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