Comment Re:How is it live? (Score 1) 4
Don't feel sorry for me. You're the one who didn't get the joke.
Don't feel sorry for me. You're the one who didn't get the joke.
As much as I too struggle to show sympathy, writing some of these scams off as just being stupid is quite an egregious case of victim blaming.
Stop it, you fool. There are no victims here. If you think there was some kind of safe zone in love, where you can be yourself, then you don't know what love is. There is no right or wrong, no political or logical correctness in love. Everything is allowed or you just don't truly love someone. A scam may even be the beginning of a true love story, but here you are, wanting to define the "terms of engagement" and declare people as victims. Frankly, I'd hate to be "loved" by you. I doubt you're even in a relationship.
And deep down we all feel stupid for missing out.
Perhaps you feel stupid, because you don't know what to call it, but the emotion most people will feel is called envy. Once you remember what emotion it is you're feeling might you be able to think about it more clearly and altogether stop feeling envious each time somebody mentions Bitcoin. Legally is Bitcoin treated as a property, like a painting or a piece of land. Still, many think of it as a currency. In the end can one not eat it or do much else with it then to trade it for something else, and you'll have to ask yourself what it is you actually want to buy with it. If it's then just about "making money" then it's really just a gamble and judging by the changes in value and the speed of change is Bitcoin a risky gamble, which requires constant attention and a lot of research just to mitigate some of the risk. It's not my kind of fun. I then feel neither stupid nor envious about it. I have enough money. If I felt differently about it, like I couldn't have enough money, then I would feel stupid.
The comment itself was created by an algorithm in order to bait conspiracy theorists and consequently to track them.
At least all our expensive Windows licenses of the past are going to safe the world. What a boon! Who needs taxes when you can buy Windows licenses to do the same?! Amazing how this is working out. *lol*
Great idea! Make the virus glow in the dark so we can see it more easily. It's genius.
The Wuhan wet market doesn't serve bats.
You say this like this was a commonly known fact and you do it in a Slashdot comment over the Internet. Clearly, it has to be true then!
It's ok to eat "monkeys or bats of pangolins"? Any issues compared with eating typical cultivated species?
It's a cultural thing. In China do people eat about any living thing simply because it is believed to give them strength. And yes, those who survive this mentality do come out stronger according to Charles Darwin. So we will continue to see the Chinese culture cause issues, nor was this the first time we saw a virus emerge in China. I believe this is then at the core of China's resistance to cooperate, because any concrete evidence would only inspire sanctions against China with other nations attempting to force China to change it's culture.
Any corporation of a larger size losses resemblances to a human being simply because too many agendas and policies are competing with one another and so the actions by a corporation in itself end up looking like those of an emotionless machine, a sociopathic or psychopathic organism. One cannot expect compassion from a corporation, because these simply don't have any to offer.
All the control and monitoring by Amazon of their work force is turning the workplaces into military-style boot camps where workers get drilled to perform a singular task to perfection, even when it exhausts them or makes them sick, in which case they'll get replaced. Amazon exploits human labour to the maximum, strips humans of their dignity and turns them into to "worker drones" should they choose to stay in their job. It's a classic min-max strategy only here applied to a work force.
It's understandable to blame Amazon for their behaviour, but for a corporation does blame have no meaning and so it's just frankly a choice of the people themselves. One doesn't have to buy from Amazon nor does one have to work for them. Anyone who does has to blame themselves.
Simply don't work there nor buy from them. As long as people do so do they give justification to Amazon to continue to with their exploitation. And when their workers then don't start a union, which Amazon is clearly very afraid of or else would they not be fighting so hard against it, then it gives further justification to Amazon to continue. An old saying then comes to mind: it sometimes first needs to get worse before it gets better.
Personally do I no longer care for Amazon. I use them for browsing, but I'll simply buy online from local shops. There are still many people working at Amazon who need to make a living and I won't judge them for their choice. It's just not one I would make nor am I willing to support Amazon any longer.
To be fair must one say he is correct when seen from a Chinese perspective. China did not give out much information on the COVID cases throughout China and thereby made it appear as if there was no virus. The virus will certainly have spread just like it did within about every other nation across the world and will not have spared China. Only China did not want anyone to know about it and we still don't really know all the facts as China is still withholding information.
They're only beating around the bush now after China hasn't given them all the data they were asking for. Some of the investigators are now trying to save their faces, their careers and their relationship to China, but they were played exactly as was predicted. One has to sympathise with the investigators' dilemma. At first do they get stuck in quarantine for a long time, to then not get all their answers, and to go home and present findings, which say it could have come from anywhere. This moment then becomes the pinnacle of their careers, because they're in the world's spotlight now. I can understand why some of them are still want to present something of credible value, because all they've really got to show for is the pie on their faces.
The article is almost certainly wrong. The US Air Force doesn't list missile requirements in ground pounder miles, and it wouldn't specify a number like 5,218 miles. It also wouldn't allow the actual range of a new missile to be published at all.
And yet did this not stop you from replying the first, the second and the third time where each time you've tried to explain how exactly those 6000 miles reach their target. Wonderful to see how your brain works. You're full of shit, Mr. Trump.
Country level is worthless against proxies anyway.
If it's another country the proxy is in then you certainly have a gain. And when it comes from within your own country then whoever runs the proxy and assists criminals can get prosecuted more easily. You may not get the criminals behind the proxy, but you can get the proxy owner and that's worth something.
But you're right of course and it's generally a stupid idea to block connections based on country when everything should be blocked unless there is a very good reason not to.
To make this about countries is almost as bad as trying to make it about race, religion, gender or ethnicity. It's just flame bait.
It's a simple skill and one I need to exercise rarely. It does have tremendous benefits for society.
It doesn't work on me, son. I've put several people in front of judges and some into prison. None of them got away free and all were sentenced. Nothing is more satisfying than giving criminals what they deserve. When you then do something as stupid like hurting others, stealing, robbing or destroying property will I happily enjoy watching you do community service, get house arrest or even do prison time. One shithead at a time. Count on it.
Well, I'm just trying to save lifes in my neighbourhood. You just go on and do what you're good at, son, even when it's not much.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.