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Comment Apple's Greed Knows No Bounds (Score 2) 307

Here's my take on it. Apple's greed is amazing to behold. And you have to love the conflict of interest between being owning the platform and also competing with Amazon via iBooks. How is it one company gets to take 30% of the sales of their competitor? Apple, Greed and the Amazon Kindle App

Submission + - Breaking Open the Video Frontier, Despite MPEG-LA (

JimLynch writes: Did you know that nearly every video produced for Web viewing has been, at one point or another, in MPEG format no matter in what format the video is ultimately saved? According to Chris "Monty" Montgomery, nearly every consumer device outputs video in MPEG format. Which means that every software video decoder has to have MPEG-licensed technology in order to process/edit video.

Comment A Clarification... (Score 1) 1

Folks, Just a heads up to clarify. Peppermint OS One and Peppermint Ice are two separate distros. When I first submitted the story, I had some old copy in my submission. This is the proper version: "Peppermint OS made quite a splash when I reviewed it. Many people had never heard of it, and there was a lot of curiosity about a web-oriented remaster of Ubuntu. Some time has passed and there’s a related version that has been released. This new distro is called Peppermint Ice. Why is it called Ice? Well read on to find out." My apologies. I hope I didn't confuse anybody. I had a misunderstanding with the developers and thought that Peppermint Ice was an update to Peppermint OS. They are two different distros. One users Firefox and Prism, and the other uses Chromium and Ice for web applications. Hope that clarifies things. Thanks for understanding.

Comment The Death Grip Drama Queens (Score 1) 917

This story has been hyped beyond belief. There's a ton of Apple hate fueling it, I own an iPhone 4 and haven't seen the "death grip" problem. Here's my take on it: The Death Grip Drama Queens And here's my take on the iPhone 4 in general: 10 Reasons Why I Love My iPhone 4

Submission + - The Safari Reader Arms Race (

JimLynch writes: Apple, by adding Reader to Safari 5, is essentially trying to force an ebook style interface onto the web reading experience. It will never work out over the long haul because web publishers will resist and the end result will be an arms race, with publishers on one side and Apple on the other.

iPhone 4 Beta Shows AT&T Tethering 240

An anonymous reader found news that will strike fear into the hearts of every 3G user in NYC. "Apple released iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 4 on Tuesday evening and it wasn't long before developers found the strongest evidence yet that tethering for US-based iPhone customers may happen sooner than later."

Firefox Is Lagging Behind, Its Co-Founder Says 646

sopssa writes "Firefox's co-founder Blake Ross is skeptical about the future of Firefox. He says that 'the Mozilla Organization has gradually reverted back to its old ways of being too timid, passive, and consensus-driven to release breakthrough products quickly.' Within the past year Chrome has been steadily increasing its market share, along with the other WebKit-based browsers like Safari. Meanwhile Mozilla's (outgoing) CEO says that while Firefox is more competitive than ever, they're looking forward to their mobile version of Firefox. 'Clearly, both are annoyed at what has happened to their former renegade web browser. But, by many accounts, Firefox is no longer considered to be the light, open alternative it once was.'"

Submission + - Peppermint OS One Review (

JimLynch writes: I’ve covered a lot of remastered versions of Ubuntu since DLR launched. But, every once in a while, I bump into one that is particularly interesting to review. Peppermint OS One is definitely in that category. Peppermint OS One is a web-centric Ubuntu remaster that passes up common desktop applications like in favor of web-based alternatives such as Google Docs. And it doesn’t stop with office applications either; Peppermint OS One integrates video sites like YouTube and Hulu right into the desktop experience.

Comment Kubuntu Review Up on DLR (Score 1) 567

Just a heads up, there's also a review of Kubuntu Linux 10.04 up on the blog now: Kubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) And if you're looking for an alternative to Kubuntu, try PCLinuxOS: PCLinuxOS 2010 (KDE)

Submission + - Vintage Tech Ads: The 15 Funniest Videos (

JimLynch writes: Tech ads just aren't what they used to be.

Sure, you have your robot phone wars and naked spokeswomen in bathtubs (what was she selling, again?). But missing are the cheesy songs, silly slogans, and giant gadgets that made the tech ads of yesteryear so wonderful to watch. Check out these 15 vintage tech commercials for yourself. If all the obsolete technology doesn't put a smile on your face, surely the cameo by a young William Shatner will bring you some joy.

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