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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:from the gnutella features list (funny)  *Thursday March 16, 2000 @02:50PM  1
   attached to Open Source Napster: Gnutella
TR / Ethernet  *Monday August 16, 1999 @07:47AM  1
   attached to Token Ring/Ethernet Hybrid Network?
Re:Who is Censored?  *Tuesday July 27, 1999 @07:10AM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Cyber Patrol Censorship?
Re:If there's no monopoly, there's no case  *Tuesday July 20, 1999 @01:41PM  1
   attached to The Broadband Wars
Re:The internet is different,  *Monday July 19, 1999 @11:56AM  1
   attached to Boon and Nightmare
Re:Virtual Property = Time  *Friday May 07, 1999 @03:23PM  1
   attached to Virtual Property Revisited
Sobering reminder  *Thursday April 08, 1999 @05:01PM  1
The Dance of the Flaming Arsehole...  *Thursday April 08, 1999 @09:53AM  3
   attached to Geeks in Rolling Stone

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
