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Comment hardly surprising (Score 1) 38

BBC News was captured by Conservative party supporters over the last decade, new explicitly right wing minor TV news channels popped up in that time & right wing politicians went to war on any critical commentary after 14 years in power. Is no surprise that youngsters abandoned broadcast news so badly aligned with their opinions or even a credible pretence of balance. I'm in my 60s, with pretty universal dislike of all political extremes and even I stopped watching broadcast news 5+ years ago.

Bad as online news is you at least you can choose the bias you prefer, or no bias at all. Personally I choose science news, not political lies.

Comment Re:Ban caller id spoofing (Score 1) 69

I used to set my SIP service to spoof my landline number so callee's saw a recognisable number they would recognise & could return calls on with a fixed or mobile phone. It's currently pointing at our SIP incoming local number & was using one of our mobile numbers for a while.

There are too many legitimate uses for number spoofing to simply ban it outright. Intent has to be part of the reasoning.

Comment Re:Aren't these just make a net carbon increase? (Score 1) 115

If the arithmetic fails to show net carbon benefit over reasonable timescales, I expect the entire industry to be priced out of it's market by carbon taxes on those construction materials, before it leaves the pilot phase.

The pilots need to be run, whatever the final decision.

Comment Re:Aren't these just make a net carbon increase? (Score 1) 115

The article is incredibly vague about how this works but the key thing is siting it next to a geothermal power plant. Suitable geothermal sites tend to be spewing vast amount of carbon into the air, whether tapped or not. It's a pretty ideal place to capture carbon from air.

Generating geothermal electricity leaves a lot of low grade waste heat, the carbon -> rock process needs heat, seems a no brainer directly using it for capture locally, especially if the plant is too far from habitation to supply heating with it.

It's very believable this could be more effective than sending electricity elsewhere to reduce carbon use.

Comment Re: Well.... (Score 1) 558

People who can only use metric might be intellectually challenged?

Imperial measures stopped being taught in UK schools in the 1970's, we have several generations who have never known or used them (with the exception of the pint in pubs/bars). I had that conversation with our nieces&nephews in their 20's today, they've never used imperial and have no intention of learning to. I'm 59 and more comfortable using metric.

The weirdest thing about this pointless distraction is we've never stopped being able to buy loose foods in either metric or imperial measures, apart from a few weeks idiocy by weights & measures officers not understanding that, despite being the ones enforcing the switch to dual system weighing machines! Many (most?) of our prepacked goods are still actually traditional sizes, with metric only labels.

Comment Computer games and the pub (Score 1) 136

I essentially stopped reading fiction in the 1980's when computer gaming took over what spare time was left after the pub. Eventually the internet allowed me to stop using hardcopy technical references, much, much later. Took many years to stop buying books destined to never be read though.

Social media played and plays no part in that, it replaces a small chunk of my in person socialising by doing some of the chatting aspect online. I still spend the majority of my pc + mobile device time playing games on them, not social media.

Now I''m going to quit /. fire up a game, maybe a quick FX3 session, and fritter away the afternoon.

Comment Re:How many battery recharge cycles? (Score 1) 124

The latest update on my Huawei tablet adds a 'Smart Charging' mode. It claims to use AI to learn my charging pattern then stop charging at 80% till it thinks I'll need it to complete charging. Which is a great idea only let down by my complete lack of routine it could learn!

Xiaomi would do better to let me automagically restrict overcharging without having to root their phones than push on with ever more damaging fast charge rates. Fully charged in 59min is nice, being able to leave it charging all the time without stressing the battery would be nicer.

Comment Re:Sigh. (Score 1) 153

As far back as 8bit, logic was frequently embedded in level data and interpreted by the engine. Mid 80's I wrote games that encoded the entire game geometry and some of the gameplay logic in bytecoded 'script' with loops, subroutines and conditionals, interpreted into friendlier data at level load time.

All that's changed is the richness of that scripting and it's pervasiveness as we gained to CPU power to use more of it.

Comment Re:Microwave Wave Guide (Score 1) 80

TOSlink was about noise suppression more than anything. Bypassing the often incredibly noisy analogue parts of the path at the source, eliminating the noise cheap analogue cables pick up - especially on long runs. Note: I didn't say sound quality, just noise, though it was certainly sold that way.

AFAIK Firewire didn't kill anything but consumer SCSI, all my PC's, disk players, set top boxes, TV's (inc one bought 2 months ago) and sound cards still have TOSlink, none this century still had Firewire.

HDMI will kill completely kill TOSlink eventually, when all the older peripheral devices finally die. Disappointingly HDMI is just as much a PIA to connect if fumbling around the back of a device :(

Comment Re:Terminal velocity (Score 1) 88

The rocket equation defines how much velocity you can gain from your energy source and reaction mass. Nothing else. For leaving a gravity well, very very roughly you need to calculate the escape velocity separately, the rocket equation will then help tell you if your rocket can provide enough velocity change to overcome it.

Comment Re:There is no Caller ID (Score 1) 150

Unless they spoof a number in my contacts list, they'll be having a conversation with the answering machine, not me.

If they did spoof a known contact, the call wouldn't last past the first few words spoken by an unrecognised voice.

Spent many hours training my elderly relatives to do the same, along with 'just put the phone down' to unrecognised/unexpected callers.

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