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Journal Journal: MBA degree is worthless.

I've seen a few times, folks here on /. asking if they should get an MBA. Don't; unless you can get one from Harvard, Yale, Wharton, MIT, or Stanford; your employer will pay for it and allow you to do your school work on company time; or you absolutely need it in order to advance.

How do I know? I have one. It is from a state school (Georgia). It has not done me any good. Not one iota! Now, you may be asking, "Why did you get your degree?"

You see, after being a code monkey for over ten years, the IT meltdown in '01 really hit me hard. It didn't really bother me because I was sick of the field by that time. And I had a few bucks saved up, so, I thought, I could just sit out the slump, enjoy life, and then go back to programming. Unfortunately, things didn't improve. So, I had this brilliant idea, I'll go and get an MBA, get into IT management, and my life would be OK. Right? Hell no!

Now, I did not go into this blindly, I asked a few folks about getting this degree. The only person who was upfront was the placement director from the school I eventually received my degree. When asked about my employment options after receiving the degree, "I have over ten years of experience programming and I'll have the MBA, what will be my employment options?"

The response was," Your experience doesn't matter and the MBA doesn't matter."

So, I responded with, "Ok, so you're saying I should drop out of the program?! I shouldn't be here!"

He then said that "it opens up doors for you."

Alrighty then! I also asked folks who received their MBA whether or not it was worth it - a bunch of noncommittal answers. I went ahead anyway - I'm a DUMMASS!


You see, an MBA is NOT like a JD, MD, DDS, DMD, etc... Unlike the latter degrees, you are not qualified, at least according to employers, to do anything. Yes, I know, the degrees that I mentioned, JD, MD, DMD, DDS, etc... have subsequent exams and certifications after the degree is awareded to enable the holders of those degrees to continue with their career aspirations. The only thing that matters to employers is your experience! The MBA is really nothing. At best, according to one HR person, it gets you an automatic $3,000 increase in salary - BFD! I spent over $40,000 on my degree!

For those of you who need a classroom to learn things, go to a community college and take the courses that you would get in an MBA program. The only difference is that instead of one semester of economics (and all the other classes); macro and micro economics is taught in two - you would save a lot of money and time! Yes, time!

How do you save time?

Easy. At a community college level, you would just take: Economics, Accounting, Finance, English: writing and literature, Psychology, and anything else that tickles you! Ok! Accounting, Finance, Economics, and writing is all you really need. Everything else is just fluff. Oh please! Group behavior and those touchy feely classes?! What I was taught in one of those classes was if there was a problem with some employee, just send them to "sensitivity training". Like someone who grew up and was taught (for 18 years) that black people were inferior is going to "learn better" after taking sensitivity training! Yeah, right! When I mentioned this to the professor, yikes! She did NOT like what I said!

Here's where I'm coming from. I know a self made multimillionaire who has "only" a two year degree in accounting that he got for free in California. All of the MBAs that I know are a bunch of corporate drones working in the same gray cubes that they thought they would leave after getting their MBA.


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