Comment IF it ever hit Earth (Score 1) 58
I wonder if it'll split into three parts, two smaller ones and a big one. Impacting with a **thump** **thump** **CRASH!**
I wonder if it'll split into three parts, two smaller ones and a big one. Impacting with a **thump** **thump** **CRASH!**
It's that simple. Just a No.
The moment there is even a possibility for a vote to be monitored and/or identified, you have a broken system.
The moment there is even a possibility for a vote to be tampered with, there is no vote.
Voting hinges on the anonymity of the caster, and the transparency and trust in the process. Electronic voting, either on machines or on the internet gives you neither.
The EMP can cause havoc to the surrounding circuitry as well.
As usual for anything "identified as UFO's" the object is blurry, suggesting the "object" was outside the field of depth, which does seem to be pretty deep as it includes infinity as well as a good amount of the station outside the window.
Could it be that whatever it is, is very near the lens? **gasp, I used logic, I must be part of the conspiracy then.**
Though too many are F##KING annoying and resource hungry, and should be killed with nuclear fire.
The real problem though, is the dozens of TRACKERS that usually come with these ads.
They need to die in nuclear fire as well, along with their authors.
Let's start sending random sized files of random bytes along with our emails...
Properly encrypted data should look like the output from a secure PRNG.
Crooks and terrorists won't care about a ban, and the "law abiding" people will be left entirely vulnerable to those crooks and criminals.
I doubt anyone can tell if any given post is using a strong or weakened cipher, at least not without some deep analysis of the data, effectively ruling out internet traffic, meaning their only "effective" ban would be to ban anything not sent in clear text.
I'm no psychic, but I can easily see how well that'll play out.
It probably also helped that Google was a simple UI, where AltaVista and all the others were aiming for the portal type UI's with ever increasing clutter and load times.
A link would be highly appreciated.
Good thing my Android comes with a free Solitaire game then. I might not have survived if it hadn't
Disclaimer: Some sarcasm might be present in the above text.
I tried an image of Karen Gillan in a bikini, and it got rated R Nude.
Then I tried one of Lily Cole, a full frontal nude. Detected as G - Not nude.
Maybe it is time to sterilize racist bigots, and Anonymous Cowards.
Until then, maybe it's time
According to the Arduino site, the Mega has 54 digital IO pins, and 16 analogue pins.
Was anyone really expecting anything else? They certainly wouldn't ever have considered Airbus, the GOP and the public would have slaughtered whomever made the decision to buy non-American, regardless of the benefits the alternatives might have had. That plane is as much an ambassador for the US, as the passengers flying on it.
The more reality diminishes the realm of nonsense, the more subscribers to nonsense will fight back with increasingly extraordinary claims, demanding they be taken at face value.
"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks