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Comment Re: Here you will find comments from people who di (Score 1) 303

The fact that he's an Aspie means he was able to write logically and dispassionately on the subject - traits that ordinarily would be considered good and lend credence to his writing. Of course the fact that some people reading it were incapable of reading it without reacting emotionally (a problem of immaturity) lead to the conflict and outright attacks on him.

Comment Re: Here you will find comments from people who (Score 2) 303

I assume by your 'Qualified is qualified' statement you would be perfectly happy being operated on by a Brain Surgeon with barely passing grades rather than someone who was top of the class? Or defended by a lawyer who scraped past the bar exams as opposed to someone with the defence pedigree of F. Lee Bailey? There's a reason we have standards and not only try to live up to them but also try to hold others to them - quality matters.

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