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User Journal

Journal Journal: Farewell Slashdot!! 2

Yes, Hello.

It would seem after many years of posting to slahsdot I've been struck with a "bitchslap" and have thusly decided to retire, rather than fight against the humourless cretins who wielded their heavy handed justice on my account.

It's okay though, J. Wagner Consulting LLC has had a couple of huge years and I certainly have enough net-worth to purchase Taco and his impotent band of merrymakers several times over. I can take solace in this fact, and the fact that I've helped myriad of geeks on this site over the years with my free expert advise.

No apologies, no regrets, no whiney Nancy Boy complaints, just a simple see ya later.

Warmest regards,

Portables (Apple)

Journal Journal: GREAT NEWS 3

I've just gotten off the phone with Rusty from kuro5hin dot org and he's got a proposal on the table for Wagner Consulting LLC., to come in and completely rewrite the internal database code as well as most of the backend for kuro5hin!

He's got to check with his accountants first as the cost will likely be in 6 figures but I don't think you can put a price on quality code so this shouldn't be any problem!! Alas! fear not, gentle reader, Kuro5hin will be fixed and running faster than a drunken school girl at the prom in a matter of a few weeks!!

Warmest regards


Journal Journal: Summer vacation!! 2

Hello gentle friends,

I've just returned yesterday after spending a month lounging in the South of France, sallying from one nude beach to the next whilst partaking in only the best French wines known to mankind. First, I want to say that the French women are Ohhhh Lala!! And secondly I want to say that the french food is Ohhh lala!! Sadly I've burned through my Q1 profits and need to get back to work, however I should have some time for slashdot until the next contract gets ironed out.

I'm looking forward to some stimulating conversation.

Warmest regards,

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sorry 1

I've been getting numerous requests from people to come and speak at their organization or school. I'm very sorry but at this time my schedule does not allow me to partake in any public speaking so please do not email with any more requests. Money is not the issue here so offering me more money will not be a consideration.

If this should change I will post a note here or on my website.

Warmest regards,
--Jack Wagner


Journal Journal: Just got back!!!

Hello Friends!!

I've just gotten back from an undisclosed location overseas helping a very high-profile client with some cutting edge data mining techniques.

All I can say is: Wow. This was without a doubt the best gig in the history of Wagner Consulting LLC and it all started from my client contacting me based upon an insightful post I made on Slashdot.

I'm under NDA for a year but I can talk about the project in generalities and look forward to sharing my new knowledge with you here as the topic merits!!

Warmest regards,


Journal Journal: Taking some time off 2

Wagner Consulting has already reached our 2002 fincancial goals so I'm taking a couple months off from work and thusly will have more time to post to slashdot. I'm looing forward to making some new friends and business contacts here.

If you are looking for a top flight consultant email me for a quote.

Warmest Regards,

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