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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 3 accepted (14 total, 21.43% accepted)


Submission + - Kid Health Experts Attack Video Game Summer Camp (

Jack Action writes: The University of British Columbia runs a summer camp where kids get to play computer games for three hours a day. The camp organizers say it is "a good social opportunity for some kids who didn't fit into other programs."

However, health professionals declare they are "troubled" by the camp. A professor in UBC's department medicine says kids should be outside, and engaged in "unstructured play"; while the CEO of a NGO that monitors kids' health chimes in that they already spend too much time in front of screens and not exercising.

So what is it? Do the health experts have a point, or are they just criticizing something that they don't understand, or perhaps is not to their taste?

The Internet

Submission + - Why the Semantic Web will Fail

Jack Action writes: "A researcher at Canada's National Research Council has an interesting post on his personal blog. You guessed it, he predicts the Semantic Web will fail. Why? The researcher notes the rising problems with Web 2.0 (MySpace blocking outside widgets, Yahoo ending Flickr identities, rumours Google will turn off its search API), and predicts these will also cripple the Semantic web: "The Semantic Web will never work because it depends on businesses working together, on them cooperating.." There is no way they: "(1) would agree on web standards (hah!) (2) would adopt a common vocabulary (you don't say) (3) would reliably expose their APIs so anyone could use them (as if)."

Is he right? Is the Semantic Web doomed to failure. (I hope Sir Tim doesn't hear about this)."

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