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Comment dynamic process - or process problem? (Score 1) 36

The dynamic pricing is a problem, potentially. But having queued up for the tickets on ticketmaster myself I can tell you that the process was the worst bit.
It look me nearly 3 hours to hit the front of the queue to find out that there were only high priced tickets available. If I had known instantaneously I would have wasted no time with my decision not to purchase -- instead, I held out hope and was glued to my computer for hours.

When the queue started to go faster there was a notice from ticketmaster saying tickets were still available - but the reason that the queue was going faster is because people were bailing out having seen the price increases rather than checking out. If there was no queue and dynamic pricing, or the price was shown in real time as you waited then at least you could make a fair decision.

Comment It's Nvidia's fault (Score 4, Insightful) 144

If it is true that this software is bricking the graphics card, then surely it's Nvidia's fault for allowing that to happen?
I mean, if they are using standard APIs and there isn't any protection against overheating in the card firmware or drivers then that is surely Nvidia's problem.

Fixing to a maximum fps seems like it would reduce the pressure on the GPU to work around the issue but shouldn't be required.

Comment Re: GPU and other drivers should be possible (Score 1) 246

Also tacitly recognising that the iPad is powerful enough to compete with a conventional laptop. A lot of people refuse to recognise how powerful the chips in the recent iPad and iPhones have been - and how Apple have developed a hardware team that is now the best in the business.

Comment Something in this? (Score 4, Interesting) 105

I think there is something in this. I used to read paper books prolifically, but through change in lifestyle (kids, work pressures) didn't get round to it so much. The kindle has allowed me to read more again because I can take it everywhere with me. But I certainly get much more confused about which book was which and have less association with who the author was as the whole book purchase decision making is so much quicker.

This means I lose track of which books in a particular series I've read, and find myself wondering if I've read a particular title or not

BUT, I am reading more again and enjoying it when I do. So does it really matter?

Comment Livescribe (Score 4, Informative) 364

I find the livescribe system brilliant. It is pen and paper, but it records audio and you can transfer your scribblings to computer. The audio and your writing are synced up so you can touch on any part of your writing either on the paper or on the computer and jump to the audio at the time you wrote it.

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