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Comment Re:Wasn't that the whole point of Java? (Score 1) 118

... It was also designed as an OOP language with exceptions, classes, etc. which causes your program to have a heavy emphasis on the taxonomy of types, and turns out to be less useful for code-reuse than was originally thought. Later Java ditched the VM and went to a more traditional compilation model, but the OOP baggage is still there.

There's a few dubious points in there, but are you saying OOP is somehow tied to native compilation vs. VM-based languages? Also, I thought Java's VM is still integral part of Java (thought I understand JIT compilation is at play).

Comment Re:Oracle is doing everything they can to fuck up (Score 1) 641

Microsoft .Net is free? Really? The cheapest version of visual studio appears to be $800 (and that version has far fewer "enterprise-y" features than the $5500 premium or $12,000 ultimate versions). I realize there are "free" parts of .Net, including the express editions of visual studio but there are already arguably superior equivalents available in the Java community.

Comment Re:Underlying technology. (Score 2, Interesting) 353

Regarding the dropped call when switching between 3G and Edge: I can't speak to the underlying cause, but over the past few years I've had a Palm Treo and a blackberry that did this constantly (Dallas area was especially bad). From my personal experience, the iPhone seems to do this less than these older phones.

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