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Comment What's the plan, Stan? (Score 1) 408

It would be helpful if there were a (high-level is OK) product plan for Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey. A quick glance/search did not reveal such a plan. What are the driving factors influencing development?

Personally, I think any substantive change should come with a migration strategy. I.e., if you are going to change the way plugins are handled, then also provide a way for me to migrate all of my plugins to the new format. (I shudder to think of all the coding and testing hours which were simply discarded when Firefox made the old plugin model obsolete. I'll bet no developer has added those hours up when implementing a change.)

I also think that users should be given choices: If I like a capability and you don't, that's fine. But rather than shoving a change down my throat, give me (and you) the option of turning it on or off. That way we're both happy.

One final comment: I agree with the general sentiment that the Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey development team is arrogant and out of touch with the needs of many users. A little more of, "What do you think of this?" would be enormously helpful.

Comment Re:Cost (Score 1) 51

My first month was last month and I spent less than one half of what I used to spend, so I'd say that it's a deal. And I got free tethering and no AT&T or Samsung bloatware and the ability to unlock my boot loader. So, all in all, 5 stars out of 5 ... so far.

Comment Re:Impressive... and improbable. (Score 2) 74

I've been using Arch now for over 5 years now and Linux (Unix) for decades, and I recall only one instance of Arch breakage after an update. I run (or ran) Arch on an ancient i686 dual PIII file server, a Gateway netbook, a Lenovo T420i laptop, and now a (wonderful!) ASUS UX305F ultrabook. Your experience does not match mine, and certainly doesn't match the experience of the Window 10 user who comments later.

Linux is not for everyone. Just like (La)TeX or Emacs are not for everyone. I've forgotten who said it, but Unix gives you many "words" and a "grammar" with which you can build sentences, and from these sentences, paragraphs. Windows and OS X give you many sentences that you can re-arrange to form paragraphs, but the sentences have been chosen for you beforehand. Carefully chosen to be useful, but nonetheless chosen for you.

It takes more effort to learn the vocabulary and the grammar, and the sentences you first come up with are near nonsense. But patience, a certain tolerance for error, grit, a desire to be your own master, and a willingness to experiment allow you to have a computer system (editor, publishing system) that does what you want it to do.

But, as I said, Linux is not for everyone.

Comment Re:Automatics, lack of skill, two-bit airlines... (Score 1) 248

It's more complicated that you make it sound. They were suddenly in the middle of a violent and unexpected thunderstorm. Their pitot tubes froze up and stopped working. That caused all the computers to shut down because the computers could no longer calculate anything (not knowing the plane's airspeed). That forced the pilots to fly "manually" (Airbus' are fly-by-wire), Yes, the pilots failed to follow procedure; yes, they are (or should be) trained to deal with sudden, potentially fatal emergencies; but your description doesn't do justice to the events.

Oh, BTW, I would rather have my pilots fresh and rested after a long trans-Atlantic flight using an auto-pilot, than have them fly the plane "manually" the whole flight. AF447 was in the middle of the Atlantic, for crying out loud.


Israeli Scientists Freeze Water By Warming It 165

ccktech writes "As reported by NPR and Chemistry world, the journal Science has a paper by David Ehre, Etay Lavert, Meir Lahav, and Igor Lubomirsky [note: abstract online; payment required to read the full paper] of Israel's Weizmann Institute, who have figured out a way to freeze pure water by warming it up. The trick is that pure water has different freezing points depending on the electrical charge of the surface it resides on. They found out that a negatively charged surface causes water to freeze at a lower temperature than a positively charged surface. By putting water on the pyroelectric material Lithium Tantalate, which has a negative charge when cooler but a positive change when warmer; water would remain a liquid down to -17 degrees C., and then freeze when the substrate and water were warmed up and the charge changed to positive, where water freezes at -7 degrees C."

GameStop, Other Retailers Subpoenaed Over Credit Card Information Sharing 117

New York State's Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, has subpoenaed a number of online retailers, including GameStop, Barnes & Noble, Ticketmaster and Staples, over the way they pass information to marketing firms while processing transactions. MSNBC explains the scenario thus: "You're on the site of a well-known retailer and you make a purchase. As soon as you complete the transaction a pop-up window appears. It offers a discount on your next purchase. Click on the ad and you are automatically redirected to another company's site where you are signed up for a buying club, travel club or credit card protection service. The yearly cost is usually $100 to $145. Here's where things really get smarmy. Even though you did not give that second company any account information, they will bill the credit or debit card number you used to make the original purchase. You didn't have to provide your account number because the 'trusted' retailer gave it to them for a cut of the action." While there is no law preventing this sort of behavior, Cuomo hopes the investigation will pressure these companies to change their ways, or at least inform customers when their information might be shared.

Pluto — a Complex and Changing World 191

astroengine writes "After 4 years of processing the highest resolution photographs the Hubble Space Telescope could muster, we now have the highest resolution view of Pluto's surface ever produced. Most excitingly, these new observations show an active world with seasonal changes altering the dwarf planet's surface. It turns out that this far-flung world has more in common with Earth than we would have ever imagined."

Police Called Over 11-Year-Old's Science Project 687

garg0yle writes "Police in San Diego were called to investigate an 11-year-old's science project, consisting of 'a motion detector made out of an empty Gatorade bottle and some electronics,' after the vice-principal came to the conclusion that it was a bomb. Charges aren't being laid against the youth, but it's being recommended that he and his family 'get counseling.' Apparently, the student violated school policies — I'm assuming these are policies against having any kind of independent thought?"

The State of Ruby VMs — Ruby Renaissance 89

igrigorik writes "In the short span of just a couple of years, the Ruby VM space has evolved to more than just a handful of choices: MRI, JRuby, IronRuby, MacRuby, Rubinius, MagLev, REE and BlueRuby. Four of these VMs will hit 1.0 status in the upcoming year and will open up entirely new possibilities for the language — Mac apps via MacRuby, Ruby in the browser via Silverlight, object persistence via Smalltalk VM, and so forth. This article takes a detailed look at the past year, the progress of each project, and where the community is heading. It's an exciting time to be a Rubyist."

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