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Comment Framework Managed To Do It (Score 1) 219

My Framework 13 is as thin as a MacBook, while being fully upgradable and repairable, and has ports. Of course the Arm-based Macs have incredible battery life, but only if you want to give up x86. Iâ(TM)d venture that the Arm cpu is more responsible for that than the fact that the RAM is soldered.

Comment Incorrect options summary (Score 3, Informative) 59

NASA officials also decided against enlisting spy satellite photography to examine the shuttle damage more thoroughly. If they had, it's possible that the astronauts could have repaired the spaceplane or at least abandoned it for refuge on the International Space Station...

No. Wrong orbit, insufficient fuel to reach the ISS. No tools or supplies for repair.

Comment Re:Why a diversity quota? (Score 1) 158

The reality is most women don't like computer work, whether it pays well or not.

Citation, please.

Assuming this is true (which I don't), perhaps the reason they don't like computer work would be that it's historically been unfriendly to them, in terms of pay, safety, privileges and expectations.

Comment Re:These guys are total morons (Score 2) 145

Uh no, no it's not. How about filtering for 4, 6, 8 or more 60.000 volt spark-gap transmitters feet away from your antenna? Power electronics all the way back to alternators can be and are designed to not interfere with wireless signalling, lest your cellular, WiFi, BlueTooth, FM, toll transponders, radar sensors, etc. malfunction.

Comment Re:dictionary attacks explained (Score 1) 38

"I encrypt the counter of my chosen block with all the hundreds of billions of passwords"

Since LP is correctly using PBKDF2, assuming the default of 100,100 rounds, each guessed encryption has to be done 100K times. That's 2x10^16 tries. Assuming 1 billion attempts per second, that's 3.2 million years to completion, or 1.6 million years for 50% likelihood of random match. Sufficient to the task.

The URLs should still have been encrypted.

Comment Amazon Market Chokepoint (Score 1) 61

Amazon wants to do for music and podcasts what it did for audio books and ebooks: Control the marketplace by being the only connection between artists and their fans (consumers). Once this "free" and "improved" service gets dominant market share, they will squeeze artists on the input side (get them to lower prices and/or take a larger share of revenue) and lock in fans on the other side (want to leave? Can't take your playlists, bookmarks and podcast lists with you). And Amazon has shown time and time again that they will lose money on this venture until they win.

Monopoly laws in the U.S. won't prevent this because they only act when direct consumer prices go up.

There's only one company in the U.S. for live music (Ticketmaster for tickets, LiveNation for performances, which is owned by TicketMaster). Amazon wants to be the same, in multiple markets.

Time to not always go for the cheapest deal.

Comment Re: Tesla charge times (Score 2) 65

I donâ(TM)t think youâ(TM)ve road tripped with a Tesla yet. Most charge stops are 8-15 minutes, not an hour. Try simulating some using abetterrouteplanner.com. You can also simulate with other cars. I have both a GM Bolt EV (50kw max, not great for road trips, often 45 minutes per charge) and a Model Y (much better for road trips). Most new US EVs have quite acceptable DC charge rates.

Comment Re: Not great for prices (Score 1) 154

The problem is self limiting. Once people can't afford it, prices will crash.

The damage that gets done during the "limiting" phase of that proposal is almost all external to the "investors." It will be paid in the form of unreachable home-ownership from the bottom of the economy (the poorest and most fragile) on up. It will also be paid by all renters, who can't afford the capital investment to buy (almost by definition) and are locked in to higher and higher rents driven by property values because they have to live somewhere. Then a burgeoning class of homeless at the very bottom stressing overtaxed, underfunded social services. None of this cost is paid by the "investor" class.

There is such a thing as responsible investing, and this is so far from it you can see the universe curve.

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