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Comment A corporation is just a tool (Score 1) 373

Maximizing profits IS a corporation's only responsibility, and that is the way it should be.

A corporation is a tool for making money. Period. That's neither good nor bad, it's just a tool.
It is not a person. It is not ethical or unethical, moral or immoral, any more than a hammer is.

The problem is that there is this quasi-religion that has grown up around corporations, fostered by corporate-sponsored economists and think tanks, based on the belief that giving them total free reign will produce a shower of benefit upon us all. Enacting special legislation on their behalf will increase the shower to a deluge. Anything which restricts their freedom or makes them responsible for their actions will bring disaster on us all. Nuts.

Maximizing profits is wonderful. But expecting anything else from a corporation is stupid. That is not their function.

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