What I've always found amusing is the language that is substituted to allow swearing on television.
Take "frak" for instance. It obviously means "fuck". When a character on BSG says "those motherfrakkers", he/she is obviously saying "motherfuckers". When Mal or Jayne say "gorram', they are obviously saying "goddamn". Everyone knows what they are really saying, and it's allowed. The FCC has no problem with people on television swearing, as long as the swear word is spelled and pronounced differently. Spike can say "sodding", and "bugger", and here in America we know he's saying "fucking", or "fuck it in the ass" (i think). But since it is British slang....it's allowed.
And where did "heck" and "gosh" come from? My children say them all the time, in public, and never get in trouble. I know that "what the heck?" is the same as saying "what the hell?", "oh my gosh" is "oh my god", "oh poop" is "oh shit". They mean the same thing, don't they? but if my 7-year-old daughter suddenly said "Oh my god! What the hell is going on?", people would freak! "What the Heck" and "Oh my Gosh" obviously stem from someone still wanting to be able to convey "what the hell" and "oh my god", but have it be acceptable in society. It's all the same thing.
Fornicate means Fuck, why not just say fuck? Who does it hurt?
Sticks and Stones, man. Sticks and Stones.