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Journal Journal: Sleep Paralysis 1

It's the most terrifying thing. I tried to move, but my limbs would not respond. You think people are in the room with you. I could hear a voice to my left, just outside the room. It was whispering and I couldn't quite make out the words, but it sounded evil. I thought I could see a shadow in that direction as well.

I wanted to yell or jump up. I thought if I didn't move I would die. I got very angry, but all I managed to do was move my right arm a bit and get my left eye to twitch.

Then it slowly sunk in that I had been here before, ten years ago. I began to calm down and then I went all tingly - eventually I found I could move my limbs again.

This is the second time I have had sleep paralysis. I really feel sorry for the people that go through this frequently. It truly is terrifying. Having these hallucinations frequently would be a bit much to handle.

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We were so poor we couldn't afford a watchdog. If we heard a noise at night, we'd bark ourselves. -- Crazy Jimmy
