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Comment Re:Free DOS in 2019 (Score 2) 94

We use FreeDOS in all of our systems. It is a deterministic operating system. We build industrial laser systems with high speed beam steering systems that controls the pulse duration, pulse period, and linear speed of the beam in real time while tracking the part through space. Our current systems have I7 processors and required a custom bios to allow for upper memory ( the remain memory above 640k below the 1mb mark). We do trig math in between motion updates that happen at 100khz. I have test many other platforms and non can compare. The slowest part of the system is the PC104 bus which is actually an ISA bus that runs at 8.33mhz So it's not that it's cool to run an older OS. It is that there isn't a new OS that can keep up with well write dos code.

NYT's "Games To Avoid" an Ironic, Perfect Gamer Wish List 189

MojoKid writes "From October to December, the advertising departments of a thousand companies exhort children to beg, cajole, and guilt-trip their parents for all manner of inappropriate digital entertainment. As supposedly informed gatekeepers, we sadly earthbound Santas are reduced to scouring the back pages of gaming review sites and magazines, trying to evaluate whether the tot at home is ready for Big Bird's Egg Hunt or Bayonetta. Luckily, The New York Times is here to help. In a recent article provokingly titled 'Ten Games to Cross off Your Child's Gift List,' the NYT names its list of big bads — the video games so foul, so gruesome, so perverse that we'd recommend you buy them immediately — for yourself. Alternatively, if you need gift ideas for the surly, pale teenager in your home whose body contains more plastic then your average d20, this is the newspaper clipping to stuff in your pocket. In other words, if you need a list like this to understand what games to not stuff little Johnny's stocking with this holiday season, you've got larger issues you should concern yourself with. We'd suggest picking up an auto-shotty and taking a few rounds against the horde — it's a wonderful stress relief and you're probably going to need it."

Comment Re:Worried about the cost of your actions? (Score 1) 730

I think you missed an important question that has been asked since Plato's time. The story of "Ring of Gyges" shows that humans do not get our morality from ourselves but from the desire to be seen as good from another's perspective. To be moral for ourselves goes against our basic selfish desires. We tend to be moral because if not the social pack around us will shun and cast us out. So the ancient story shows us that the visible we are the more we are moral. Take people in the spot light they tend to be more moral then most average people. The higher up to go the higher their morality grows with it. If you take away all the shadows for someone to hide their secret desires and actions they tend to stop them. (or hide them much better) Now if you apply this logic to your IT issues you see that the more you audit and log your IT personnel's actions the higher their morality will become, or the better they will get at hiding it...

Comment Re:Check state laws (Score 1) 675

I am still looking for the actual statue that defines it. I think this about covers it thought. Florida law stated you can not falsify employee records.

Comment Events On US Army Lands (Score 1) 973

I have no Problem with the BSA choosing whom they want to be allowed in there community what i tend to have a problem with is their continuing ability to have their Jamborees on US government property. Since 1981 their National Jamboree has been hosted at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. This is a directly funded by the US tax payer. They continue to host Scouting event on Public School property. If they want to discriminate against anyone they need to be removed from any tax payer funded locations. Why should the American tax pay foot the bill for events like these.

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