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Comment Re: They want to eat the cake and still have it. (Score 4, Informative) 83

Yes, Koda has this "problem" that artists who have not signed over their soul to them can legally license their music to anybody. The way they fight this problem is to try to make it as expensive as possible for anybody not getting a license from Koda. They will even threaten to take you to court if you cannot prove you have a valid license (which is bogus, as the burden of proof is on them).

These people do not care about right or wrong. For them it is all about making as much money as possible.

Until a few years ago Koda was one of the largest supporters of lawyer Johan Schlüter and his law firm which ran the anti-piracy group of Denmark. This was about speculative invoicing: Writing people accusing them of illegal copying and threatening with an expensive lawsuit if the accused does not pay an amount slightly smaller than what it would cost the accused to get a lawyer. This racket ran for years and brought in millions. But it got known that people were not sued if they just ignored the amounts. So eventually they had to bring a few cases to court. And they lost big time. Higher courts agreed, so they had to stop.

But Johan Schlûter lost the support of Koda a few years ago. This was when he was indicted on fraud charges regarding copyright licensing fees. He and two of the other partners in his law firm were eventually convicted to long jail times because of aggravated fraud for an eight-digit amount. One of the largest fraud cases in my country for many years.

Comment Re:They want to eat the cake and still have it. (Score 3, Informative) 83

Koda is basically a monopoly that is abusing it's power in a bad way.

They will - for a fee - license any composition or song text to anybody. And they can legally do this even if the composer or song writer whose copyright they license does not want this.

And danish composers and songwriters may never see a dime of the licensing money Koda collects. If you are not a member of Koda you get nothing of the money they collect from licensing your works. Nothing at all. And you can only become a member of Koda by signing an irrevocable statement giving Koda the exclusive right to license rights for public performances of all your works, including any works you might create in the future.

So as a Danish artist you are either fucked or doomed by Koda: If you don't join them they will sell licenses to your works all over in competition with you, and you get absolutely nothing of what they earn on your works. If you join them you have to sign over your soul and your first-born baby, but you get around 85 percent of the licensing fees they collect from your copyrighted material.

Comment Re:What Bank? (Score 1) 173

Bank DnB NORD has headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.

It is quite interesting to see their web page. Here they are forced by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to publish a serious reprimand in both Danish and English. Turns out they did not disclose information they were required by law to disclose in their annual report for 2009.

DnB NORD is owned by DnB NOR with headquarters in Norway. And it looks like DnB NOR also have problems with the local financial authorities. And last year DnB NOR accepted a fine and forfeiture of profits illegally obtained from insider trading.

Comment Re:Police Seize Pirate Party Servers? (Score 3, Interesting) 121

This is the same as confiscating all of Googles servers because somebody used Google Docs for an illegal purpose. The police did not even try to contact the party before taking their servers. And they did not just take the server that might have been used for an illegal purpose, but all servers at the site.

The timing is interesting, as the DDoS attack that allegedly was planned on this public EtherPad installation took place months ago. And now - two days before election day in a federal state - they confiscate almost all their servers.

Comment Re:Too much taken down at the wrong time (Score 1) 4

Please note that the election in Bremen are not just municipal elections in the city of Bremen. The election on Sunday is in the German federal state of Bremen. Before this happened the Pirate Party had a real chance of getting elected on Sunday. But now all of the infrastructure they used for the election has been confiscated. Member lists, task and event planning, election plans - all confiscated.

Comment Re:Icelandic MP supeanad (Score 5, Funny) 391

They do not have nukes, they have volcanoes.

When they triggered one of them last year, it caused a lot more disruption to European air traffic than 9/11 did to US air traffic. And they know how to use their volcanoes right: During the incident Reykjavik airport was one of the few airports in Europe still open.

I am pretty sure this was retaliation against the Brits abusing anti-terror legislation to freeze Icelandic assets.

If you do not understand satire, you should not have read this...

Comment GEMA is spinning the news (Score 1) 291

It is quite interesting to compare this press release with the article exposing this. Technically GEMA is correct in their press release, but they do a lot of spin, and do not tell the entire story.

GEMA wrote to kindergartens, demanding:

  1. Payment for any sheet music copied. Price per sheet is similar to the price of a song on iTunes.
  2. Payment for any copying of lyrics. Same price per sheet.
  3. Reporting of any song performed in the kindergarten, complete with title, name of composer, name of publishing company currently publishing the song in Germany, and the time the song was performed. No payment was demanded for this in the letter.

In the press release GEMA is backtracking on the bad publicity this gave them when the press took up the story and adding their own spin by saying the reporting about payment for song performances was wrong (which it was) and not mentioning that they still require all kindergartens to report all song performances. Also they do not mention that a requirement of reporting performances to GEMA almost always is a precursor for a demand of payment.

VG Musikedition is not an entity completely separate from GEMA. In fact they are so tightly connected and what they do is so similar that it is hard to explain why they are not the same organization. Unless when you think of the extra administration having two entities cause. When the two organizations both funnel some of the money through the other organization, they can both take a piece of the cake before distributing the rest to the artists. And this is probably the real reason why VG Musikedition asked GEMA to collect the money for them instead of doing it themselves, as they were supposed to.

The Internet

Woman's Nude Pics End Up Online After Call To Tech Support 197

Tara Fitzgerald couldn't find the nude pictures she planned on sending to her boyfriend, but instead of just taking more, she decided to see if a Dell tech support call could fix her problem. Apparently the tech support guy found them. Unfortunately, he then put them up on a site called "bitchtara."

Comment Re:Possible mitigation? (Score 1) 217

We should not care about security too much. Security is the opposite of freedom, and by concentrating our efforts on security we may end up with completely locked environment.

Welcome to the physical world. If you do not like security and are afraid to be locked out of your own house, you are free to remove the lock on your front door.

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