Sell somebody else's!
Don't they have a huge prison population? Why can't they just have some of their more troublesome prisoners volunteer theirs? You know, the ones in trouble for spilling state "secrets", even if they're beyond obvious to everyone and his dog.
Yep. No market pressures to lower the price. Sucks if you don't have or can't get insurance.
Am I the only one that read this as two completely contradicting statements?
No, he's saying that the insurance companies pay either a set price or don't negotiate a lower price than the maker asks. So, since people don't balk and walk away from the higher price (because insurance gets it for them), there is no incentive to lower the prices. Kind of like how the US Gov't is forbidden from negotiating down medicine prices, and consequently us Americans have to pay an arm and leg for meds. Essentially, Insurance companies decouple the supply-demand relationship by hiding the true cost to consumers.
Exactly. If I lived in the middle of the nearest city I'd have 100Mbps cable broadband. I'd also be paying twice as much to live there, have no garden, nowhere to park and lots of noise. I live out in the sticks where I get 5Mbps broadband
Wow. Maybe England would like to run the broadband to the rural areas of the US. I can barely get 1.5Mbps. And I only live two miles from town along a main road.
My local library has paper forms, but good luck to someone that isn't smart enough to earn $25 a month to pay for the internet on figuring out those instructions. I consider myself pretty intelligent, but I still need a computer to help me through filling out those crazy forms and checking for errors.
That's why you get on the internet at the library and do your taxes there. Duh.
Therefore, we should not repeal Prohibition.
Why did it take a constitutional amendment to enact prohibition, but drugs are illegal without a special amendment? I never did understand that.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.