Comment Re:What's the backroom deal? (Score 1) 95
It's ensuring the existence of the TPM so they can really lock it down
It's ensuring the existence of the TPM so they can really lock it down
It sounds like they're exposing their entire client list in the session.
Hopefully this will improve waiting list times
Is this due to the recent reports of China all in on RISC-V?
I came here to say this
The researcher took 300+ trips on a boatâ¦
They couldn't do this with milk?
It's a viscous cycle.
It's a thick, liquid cycle?
Devils advocate: It burst because the low level pipe heater stopped working?
Clarke & Dawe reference?
Isn't the Joseon period the Korean middle ages? Colourful nobles in silks and funny hats plotting treachery and romance? or has Netflix taught me nothing?
I'm just waiting for snip & sketch to gain the ability to add text to your screenshots, and then I'll never need paint
I’m so annoyed they killed Harmony. By far the best product they made. I wish I’d bought the version that supported Bluetooth before they vanished
“We want a pause on all AI - so we have time to tool up and compete”
Every userscript is now in violation of copyright. Thanks SandorZoo.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.