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Comment Beware long uptimes (Score 1) 285

I inherited a 'creaky' legacy system - and the server needed to be rebooted. It hadn't been rebooted in 5+ years.

I did all of the sensible things: I checked that the backups were up to date - and then I manually copied the entire codebase and local data and database to another server before touching anything, just to be sure.

Reboot ... dead.

Restore everything ... still dead.

After a lot of tracking down I discovered that a previous developer had placed critical config in /tmp /tmp was purged on reboot.

I then discovered that the backup system was configured to ignore /tmp - because ... /tmp

That took a lot of effort and guesswork to rebuild.

Now I always copy /tmp before rebooting anything with a long uptime ;)

Comment Re:Yeah, I'm an AC - so what. (Score 1) 596

By all means, post an example - just one would be more than sufficient since I stated an absolute - of a corporation lobbying on the behalf of the public good AND that is detrimental to their profits.

Just one to blow me out of the water and I'll kiss goatse on the ass.

How about this one:

A games company boycotting E3, and using the $50k they would have spent going to set up a group protesting SOPA instead.

Comment Re:Simple vs Short. Round one: Fight! (Score 1) 340

The main issue with that type of method is that you don't know if the site you're connecting to stores the password in plain text or not - and there are a lot more out there than you might think.
If it does, then you've just potentially revealed *every* password, for every account you own, on every site - because the pattern is so easy to spot and understand.
As soon as that site gets cracked (which, if they're stupid enough to store plain text passwords, is going to be highly likely) - you're in deep trouble.
Or maybe the owners of the site aren't averse to taking a peek into the password list and checking out the email account you signed up with ...
Patterns are great for remembering - but you'd still need to have several, so that you can use different methods of generating passwords for different sets of sites. That way you can keep accounts partitioned and reduce the damage when one of your patterns gets outed.


Capcom 'Saddened' By Game Plagiarism Controversy 163

Capcom's recent release of action platformer Maxsplosion for the iPhone caused indie developer Twisted Pixel to call Capcom out for copying the concept from their successful Xbox Live game 'Splosion Man. Twisted Pixel said they had no plans for legal action, since they were "too small to take on a company like Capcom." The indie studio had even pitched the game to Capcom for publishing at one point, but were declined. Now, Capcom has released a statement denying that Maxsplosion's development team had any knowledge of the meetings and saying, "MaXplosion was developed independently by Capcom Mobile. Nonetheless, we are saddened by this situation and hope to rebuild the trust of our fans and friends in the gaming community."

Comment Re:I wish I saw this earlier (Score 1) 658

I doubt making your own biodiesel and using it is the offence. The offence is not paying a tax you are legally required to pay. In the UK you can run your car on biodiesel if you like, but that doesn't let you avoid paying tax - you have to pay the tax directly rather than it implicitly being included in the fuel price.

Actually, that's not 100% true. In the UK it's legal to produce up to 2500 litres of biodiesel tax free, for personal use. If you produce more than 2500 litres per annum you have to register for a licence and pay duty.

Comment Re:Part of this has already been done (Score 2, Informative) 65

"A lot of this has already been done, although the site hasn't updated since google changed their API's:"

He mentions in the article - it uses Google maps rather then Google earth - and the API for Google earth apparantly allows more to be done with the visualisation of the data.

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
