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Comment Any story that calls it a pollutant (Score 0) 30

Is missing the point. Calling CO2 a pollutant just engenders a mindless political pollution control response that is out of line with a reasonable assessment of the issue. CO2, oxygen, nitrogen, water, and sunlight are the core cycle of life on the planet.

At the very least, if you want me to take the point seriously, stop referring to CO2 as a pollutant.

Comment 15 minutes (Score 1) 172

If something doesn't happen in the first 15 minutes that tells me it's worth watching I'm out. There's too much stuff to watch for me to spend longer than that. Breaking Bad was compelling from the opening sequence so I'm not sure where this article is coming from.

No show is worth waiting 4 episodes to get good. This isn't the 70s through the 00s. There's too many options to waste that much time.

Doesn't mean I won't come back to a show if it can generate 'buzz'.

Comment Self-Own by fact checkers (Score 1) 258

Connecting to Google News today tells me all I need to know about fact-checking.

All four of the 'fact-checks' today on my Google News feed are about the resignation of Justin Trudeau. All four make reference to viral videos that show crowds cheering after his resignation and the 'fact-check' is on an altered video. No one would ever mistake that for an actual event.

Though there was no actual cheering, Trudeau's popularity rating is the lowest for a PM for a very long time and public sentiment is against him.

Why would four major fact-checking organizations make this same fact check if not to try and suppress a viral video that no one will mistake for the truth but actually aligns with public sentiment? The effect of fact checking on social media platforms in this case would be to suppress a highly entertaining video that the majority of viewers would find entertaining and humorous. Some users of platforms might feel saddened that their preferred choice for leader is on his way out but that's not a societal problem; it's an individual one.

Zuckerberg's statement that fact-checking organizations are biased is a truthful statement. Whether ceasing to rely on them provides a better platform for more people is yet to be determined.

Fact checking organizations have only themselves to blame for their reduced impact on society.

Comment Russia is playing catch-up on civil society (Score 1) 67

Sadly, Russia has to do all of its own dirty work to surveil its citizens.

Here in the West we are far more civilized, as we have strong laws against domestic agencies spying on citizens.

We are so civilized we use our friends to do our dirty work for us.

Russa clearly needs to become more civilized.

Comment Re:Capitalism is so dumb (Score 1) 156

You seem to have confused 'investor' with 'speculator' and likely don't fully understand the markets and their functioning.

When you don't pay a dividend, like Netflix, you are a 'growth' stock which means people are buying your stock for growth.

Once your business is established and has hit its reasonable ceiling, you start to pay a dividend instead as the business is producing a regular cash flow and a steady profit that likely grows with inflation.

Netflix has been overvalued as a growth stock for years, and is merely beginning the process of returning to it's fundamental value. It will also need to add a dividend at some point.

'Investors' that are complaining about the stock price drop are sad because they are seeing the impairment of their capital. However, they are merely 'speculators' that had been speculating on endless growth. They are paying the price for their lack of vision now, and this is normal.

Comment Re: Good, I hope they do (Score 1) 312

In previous pandemics, large field hospitals were used to look after the infected. In this pandemic, a multi thousand bed floating field hospital was sent home.

Governments, especially the Canadian one whose job is to control the CAPACITY of the healthcare system, have decided that instead of doing their job and increasing capacity (and sending the rest of society the bill) that they will apply a bunch of societal controls and pay people to not work.

In a free society, where the choice is between spending more money on healthcare vs being tyrannical, the choice is supposed to be spending more on healthcare.

With vaccination rates in Canada above 85%, the argument that we need to control society to protect the healthcare system is no longer valid. The healthcare system needs to expand to handle the loads.

Comment Stock Price is a poor measure (Score 5, Interesting) 95

Tying things like stock price to the apparent value of the current state of a game is just plain stupid. The measures make no sense especially since sales measures have never been a true indication of a games quality (take a look at the sales of endless sports games for proof).

CDPR's current stock price makes a fair amount of sense and 'redemption' has nothing to do with a stocks performance once it lives outside of the unreality bubble of North American tech stocks whose valuations are completely disconnected from reality.
      Stock went way too high prior to CP2077 launch based on the hype monster
      Stockholders have already been paid a significant dividend from CP2077 sale and have exited or are exiting their positions, so new buyers expect a discount since there's no new properties coming
      No new major releases in the pipeline that are anywhere close to release, no clear new sources of significant revenue to cause the stock to rise

In terms of CDPRs actual fiscal health... it's fine and they have plenty of cash to get them through. 5.3 million units a year, even at a discount, is still quite a bit of money and also a respectable move of product. Analysts were on crack about potential sales pre-release. It might get there, it will take longer and the cost per unit will be lower.

Those that love the game love it deeply and are eagerly waiting for expansions. Those that don't love it won't buy the expansions. Dead story is dead.

Note... all of this is irrespective of what you, personally, may think of their game.

Comment I smell a class-action (Score 1) 129

If a company sells a product that has a feature that does not require a subscription, and it involved buying a physical good, to later block that feature and require a subscription is a simple bait-and-switch and covered by consumer protection laws. Peloton better get on the fix really quick or their costs could increase substantially.

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