Tying things like stock price to the apparent value of the current state of a game is just plain stupid. The measures make no sense especially since sales measures have never been a true indication of a games quality (take a look at the sales of endless sports games for proof).
CDPR's current stock price makes a fair amount of sense and 'redemption' has nothing to do with a stocks performance once it lives outside of the unreality bubble of North American tech stocks whose valuations are completely disconnected from reality.
Stock went way too high prior to CP2077 launch based on the hype monster
Stockholders have already been paid a significant dividend from CP2077 sale and have exited or are exiting their positions, so new buyers expect a discount since there's no new properties coming
No new major releases in the pipeline that are anywhere close to release, no clear new sources of significant revenue to cause the stock to rise
In terms of CDPRs actual fiscal health... it's fine and they have plenty of cash to get them through. 5.3 million units a year, even at a discount, is still quite a bit of money and also a respectable move of product. Analysts were on crack about potential sales pre-release. It might get there, it will take longer and the cost per unit will be lower.
Those that love the game love it deeply and are eagerly waiting for expansions. Those that don't love it won't buy the expansions. Dead story is dead.
Note... all of this is irrespective of what you, personally, may think of their game.