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Comment Re:Gnome/KDE division discourages developers (Score 1) 344

Choice is not always a good thing. Would you be better off if you had a "choice" of different voltages and socket types for your various household appliances?

Uh, you don't travel much, do you? North America is about the only place in the world with consistent voltage and plug (and lightbulb, and mobile and TV, etc.) formats.

You missed kurisuto's original question : are you better off because of that ? No, it's an unnecessary hassle.

Comment Re:the move to llvm was because gcc sucks (Score 1) 1075

The move to llvm (and its heavy sponsoring) was because gcc was too monolithic to make it evolve the way they needed in XCode (accessing the code parser for instance, or having separate code generation backends). I doubt they cared much about the license in this case, since gcc 4.2 is still shipped with XCode.

(damn, forgot to log in)

Comment I'd take Greene over Horgan anytime (Score 1) 387

I haven't commented on slashdot in a long while, but this post should never have made it frontpage.

Having read both Greene's op-ed piece on the NY Times, and John Horgan's article, I find the latter much more questionable. Horgan criticizes multiverse theories on purely subjective grounds, and basically thinks that science nowadays should care about real issues first, something no serious scientific researcher would ever support.

Greene's op-ed article is a very good vulgarisation of theoritical physics, I have to wonder what is wrong with it. Seems like the poster has a big chip on his shoulder against Greene for some reason.

Comment Re:Bugs are an error in the... (Score 1) 596

Thinking like this is a sure way to add more and more constraining checks and complicated processes, which very quickly become huge hindrances. All this because you ignore the fact that programmers are humans, and humans make mistakes.

I'd rather acknowledge that bugs are bound to happen, and make their detection as quick as possible, and their fixing as easy as possible.

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