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Comment Re:Well . . . (Score -1) 793

="My thoughts about this award is that it makes it quite clear that the average person posting on slashdot does not know anything about law."

yep. what should be clear to folks by now is that sharing files over the 'Net is not going to be excused as "private, non-commercial use". Sharing files on the net will be treated as copyright infringement: stare decisis: this matter is settled.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Google Quietly Adds HTTPS Support to GMail 4

This may be old news, but I just noticed myself and thought I'd report it. I've been using the "New Version" of GMail for a couple of weeks (I hardly notice the difference from the "Old Version"), and happened to notice today that the inbox URL still used "http://", even after all the complaints that they didn't maintain "https://" after login. I decided a quick test was in order, and added the all-important "s" to the protocol indicator. It worked fine. After clicking around some, openin

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