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Comment Maths, Physics & CS (Score 1) 240

To be a game programmer, they'll need strong maths and ideally physics skills. There are Games Programming courses out there, but most of them are too diverse (teaching design & art as well) to give the students the full depth of programming skills they'll actually need.

Yes, it's a hard life, with long hours and not the best pay ... but if it's their passion, then there's nothing better than working on something they really love. It makes coming to work a lot easier, even if you know you're going to be in for 12+ hours, if you're totally invested in what you're doing.

Comment Re:A rather small set of unit tests (Score 1) 271

One set of stories, one one-sentence response. Would that be news in any field of IT other than AI? Eg "Web server returns a correct response to one carefully-chosen HTTP request!!!"?

Maybe not now, but it probably was a reasonably big achievement the first time it happened.

They were hardly going to start it off with the whole Lord Of The Rings trilogy and then ask it the relevant merits of each race and who they were based on from the real world, followed up with "Who's hotter, Galadriel, Arwen or Eowyn?"

Comment Re:no upgrades?? (Score 1) 636

Absolutely... I have an HTC Magic on Vodafone in the UK, and there's no sign of the update to 2.0 / 2.1 - I've been looking into it lately because the Google Buzz page requires Android 2.0, so currently I can't use it at all.

A Google app that doesn't work on a Google branded phone because the Google OS hasn't been updated.


Comment Re:Yes! (Score 2, Interesting) 345

Where I work, we have code reviews before checking in non-trivial changes. We don't have design reviews though, which I think are more worthwhile. If a problem is found pre-checkin, then it's usually too late to go back and re-code the work - meaning that these issues are recorded by the coder and should be looked at again when possible; however, with the constant deadlines we work to, there often isn't time to go back and make the improvements. I think design reviews are worthwhile for verifying the work that's going to take place, and a code review should be used to see if it matches the design (and find out the reasons if not), as well as making sure that the checkin isn't going to screw up the build (check for warnings, files missing from changelist etc).

Games Industry Accused of 'Buying Political Clout' 101

A parent's group is lambasting the Electronic Software Association for announcing its intention to curry political favour in Washington DC. The games industry, for most of its life a much-maligned business sector, has just begun to work towards changing its image with US lawmakers. The Parents Television Council views this as attempting to 'buy influence in Congress', and views the ESA's plans harshly: "'The videogame industry continues to fight meaningful accountability for selling inappropriate material to children. The industry has been exposed repeatedly for its reprehensible behavior and now they are looking for ways to buy friends in the government,' said PTC President Tim Winter. 'Let me be clear of our intentions: Any public servant who cashes a check from the videogame industry will be exposed by the PTC as taking a stand against families, and his or her actions will be communicated to constituents in his or her congressional district.'" I wonder how they feel about lobbying by conservative 'pro-family' groups?

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