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Journal Gopal.V's Journal: Is Full House Reality TV ?.

I was home this weekend and was watching a re-re-re-re-run of a dated episode of Full House. What really interested me was the realism of the entire series - how they could make jokes without anything a kid of twelve couldn't watch. I just love this one more than Friends (maybe not more than I love Simpsons) - having more than enough free time (power outage) , I began discussing with my sister about a big Why ?

The stars :-

Well, what do you know - this could read the other way too. John Stamos is a singer, played with the Beach Boys. Dave Coulier is the member of a Comedy troupe called Ducksbreath Mystery Theater (*yech*). Unfortunately, Lori Loughlin was an Elite Model (1982), but carries out the wife role really nicely. And the three kids are really real kids - with the flashy older one, clever youngster and cute baby cliche in place. Not to mention the fact that Bob Saget has 3 daughters in real life. And John Stamos did really date Lori Loughlin for some time before he married a real Becky.

That folks is all what Reality TV is all about. And I love it !!.

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Is Full House Reality TV ?.

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