Comment Re:Weird situation with Mac Pro (Score 1) 109
One does not buy a workstation to run single threaded tasks. If you buy a Mac Pro, you want/need the 8 to 12 cores.
Whoever put that on there, should be fired immediately, no questions asked.
And additionally, companies with such employees should be fined heavily. Only if it costs them much money, only then will this stupidity end. Protocols need to be in place, taught, checked and enforced with consequences.
If the Higgs boson is the particle that gives other particles mass, would our being able to manipulate the Higgs lead to being able to do things with mass such as we can do with electromagnetism? Will we be able to shield or block the Higgs from interacting with other particles, leading to a reduction in mass (and therefore weight?)
What will we see? Manipulation of gravity on an unprecedented scale: Cities as a whole will lift off into space!
This was an auction. *Every* person in the world, excluding just one, thought this items was worth less than the final offer.
If you're registered as living in a municipality ("still living"), with details like age ("old enough to vote") why would one need to re-register to vote? Who thought of this system? Why is this system still in place? It seems unnecessary.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen