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Comment Bad reputation (Score 3, Informative) 68

Stellantis already has a very bad reputation.

"Consumer Reports Findings: In a study analyzing over 150,000 vehicles from model years 2014 to 2019, Consumer Reports ranked multiple Stellantis brands at the bottom for used car reliability. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram were specifically noted for frequent mechanical problems and costly repairs. In contrast, brands like Lexus and Toyota secured top positions for reliability."

"Consumer Reports Findings: In a study analyzing over 150,000 vehicles from model years 2014 to 2019, Consumer Reports ranked multiple Stellantis brands at the bottom for used car reliability. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram were specifically noted for frequent mechanical problems and costly repairs. In contrast, brands like Lexus and Toyota secured top positions for reliability."

Comment Re:Damned if they do, damned if they don't (Score 1) 71

Sorry. That is bullshit. The question is whether reading out the error messages should already be blocked. A layman therefore has no chance of determining whether there is a serious problem.

I am not aware of anything like this in Europe. As far as I understand, the workshop only has to provide proof when replacing the engine control unit.

Comment Re:Deindustrialization will do that (Score 5, Interesting) 220

Agora Energiewende is a state sponsored entity with highly contested goals and views here in Germany. Don't take their bullshit seriously.

Statistics show that Germany has the highest CO2 emissions in Europe. Coal and gas power stations are needed to provide stable power because green energy is unreliable.

The joke is that conventional power stations have to be under power ALL DAY to provide emergency power when not enough wind and solar power is available. Even days with 100% clean energy mean CO2 is blown into the air!

Comment Re:YAARR Matey! (Score 1) 52

After Google redesigned image search in a completely impractical way (probably because of lawsuits), I switched to DuckDuckGo years ago. Only rarely, when I can't find something, I use Google. Google Maps is also ahead of the competition.
I think by now the competitors are very close to Google.
However, the next big thing is AI - I use Hugging Cat for suggestions when programming instead of searching.

Translated with (free version)

Comment Its a common problem with financial software (Score 1) 98

It's not just the Sage company. Here in Germany, it is now almost impossible to find a decent invoicing or accounting software that does not require a subscription.

As far as I can see, only a handful of companies share the German market for invoicing and accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses.

One of my accounting programs even had a VAT adjustment feature removed with an update. Had to continue working with the previous version when a VAT increase came.

While I can understand the subscription model for accounting software - there are major tax changes every year - the subscription makes no sense for invoicing software.

I have since switched to an Austrian vendor for invoicing. Their software is not perfect, but does not require a subscription. Only the update notice at program start is annoying. My bookkeeping is now done by the tax consultant.

PS: I am irritated that there is no open-source invoicing software that supports cash discounts and multiple delivery addresses for customers.

Comment The scams are sometimes quite sophisticated (Score 1) 95

I discovered an interesting scam a few weeks ago.

My romance from a dating-site advertised a broker where you could make a profit by hedging on the gold price. I could test the success by using a demo account with MT4.

The scam came to light when she asked me to give my personal data to her so her friend could open a broker account for me. Something I would never do. Also the broker-website I was asked as alternative to register was scam.

What amazed me was the amount of time my romance spent before trying to fool me. Really a week.

Comment Re:Stop buying shit printers (Score 1) 287

I owned several brands and types of laser and inkjet printers in the last 30 years. Printed dozens of millions of pages with them.

Opened a book printing business with Kyocera 95xx laser printers in 2002. They are really easy servicable and toner is cheap. Tip: If you have a service guy of the manufacturer for warranty repair in your house, ask him/her how to prolong printing quality. Make a note of the parts he changes for ordering and changing them yourself. Saved me a lot of money. A few years ago I had to switch to Xerox printers because of printing volume. Also the print-resolution of Kyocera is quite bad.

For business correspondence I use a HP Pagewide printer. Really speedy and ink price is okay. Donated my first Pagewide to my brother and got myself a used bigger one. HP inkjet printers never let me down - but I never bought the cheap ones...

Comment Re:Beaten by KISS (Score 1) 83

Yes, the price of the Segway was really prohibitive insane

I had a longer ride with a Segway and can say that it was really uncomfortable. Nothing for longer rides where you are better of seated on a vehicle. A lot of older people can't use Seways because they have bad knees.

Maybe the increased quality of ebikes had its share for Segways demise.

Comment Re:Soo, they miscalculated by 1.9B? (Score 3, Insightful) 82

Disclaimer: I don't know what exactly happened. But there there are some really good articles on the German website about Wirecard.

Wirecard has been cash-strapped for at least 5 years. This is really unusual because as payment processor they get advance payments. Cash should be no issue.

Also they bought some pretty expensive payment companies during the last years. The question is whether they really paid for these companies the agreed price or used the transactions to hide lost money. For example an unknown Indian company was bought for 340 million and no one knows who is the seller...

90% of their 1.6 billion credit line is used - this means if the money in the Philipines got lost they are now broke.

My guess: Wirecard will go down like Enron.

I have NO mercy with people owning Wirecard stocks. This was really a slow-motion train wreck. Never invest in companies with people on the top you don't trust.

Comment Re:For me what did it in... (Score 1) 121

I use the Pixel 4 after testing and using several other devices.

The face recognition works very well and I don't miss the fingerprint sensor. Because I work with a lot of abrasive paper and have dry skin, my fingerprints weren't recognized very well on my previous mobile.

With the radar sensor you just hold your face near the phone and it unlocks at once without touching anything.

The camera is really great and I don't mind the small battery.

Comment Re:It's not a mystery... (Score 1) 269

Can't agree to this. Microsoft was quite sucessful with Windows CE/Windows Phone, but somehow messed it up. I wrote a lot of user guides for Windows CE devices and can say that it was quite useable.

I think Microsoft made a mistake by dropping the old system and introduce a new, incompatible one. By this time Android got a head start and nobody wanted to provide software for the Windows system.

Comment Nothing lost (Score 1) 131

Google news ist quite bad in Germany. Not all mayor media are listed. You still have to visit some media websites like "Frankfurter Allgemeine" separately.

Health topic is very bad with just one outlet posting questionable news and spamming the news system by posting one story under several different titles.

Keep going, nothing to see here...

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