I'm glad someone had a good DH VPS experience. I've had many sites hosted on their shared hosting for years with near zero issues. My VPS with them was a NIGHTMARE.
Things were gravy to start, but after a few months everything I ran on the VPS suffered large random latency spikes. Even my terminal sessions would hang. Between my own investigating and many support tickets it was noted there was one use on the host machine hammering the disk/CPU. So they moved me to a newer (faster) server and dealt with their problem customer. Except they didn't move me during the window I provided to them (and that they agreed to); and when they DID move me they moved me to a box that was "oh, sorry, our mistake, it wasn't ready for live customers yet" and was WORSE than the one I came off of. So then I was (again, outside my agreed window of "please fix my stuff during these hours") moved to a third box -- which still sucked. That was enough to drop their VPS service after the good two weeks it took me to convince them that it was NOT my own processes "having low RAM" and getting a free bump to max RAM to prove it.
I've been with prgmr.com ever since and never been happier.