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Comment Re:Linode (Score 1) 375

I've been very happy with service at prgmr.com for the year or so I've been there. Only two minor issues; both were hardware faults (so fairly unavoidable -- service was restored quickly though). Support is at the "$5/month" rate as stated on their site. They're very knowledgeable, and will help, but yes it is only a handful of guys and they may take some time to respond to tickets on anything that isn't "host machine 100% down".

Comment Re:Dreamhost (Score 1) 375

I'm glad someone had a good DH VPS experience. I've had many sites hosted on their shared hosting for years with near zero issues. My VPS with them was a NIGHTMARE.

Things were gravy to start, but after a few months everything I ran on the VPS suffered large random latency spikes. Even my terminal sessions would hang. Between my own investigating and many support tickets it was noted there was one use on the host machine hammering the disk/CPU. So they moved me to a newer (faster) server and dealt with their problem customer. Except they didn't move me during the window I provided to them (and that they agreed to); and when they DID move me they moved me to a box that was "oh, sorry, our mistake, it wasn't ready for live customers yet" and was WORSE than the one I came off of. So then I was (again, outside my agreed window of "please fix my stuff during these hours") moved to a third box -- which still sucked. That was enough to drop their VPS service after the good two weeks it took me to convince them that it was NOT my own processes "having low RAM" and getting a free bump to max RAM to prove it.

I've been with prgmr.com ever since and never been happier.

Comment Re:ATT Uverse / DSL vs Charter cable (Score 1) 201

Must be a local issue for you then. I've got the same choices here in my area and Charter is faster and cheaper. Had it for 2 years and working great. Low latency, full throughput (25mbit or 60mbit when I had that plan). I did have issues "initially" for 3 months or so, but I took it to the "Charter Direct" forum @ DSL Reports and got right to a plant manager who ended up having local construction re-run the mainline to my tap. No issues since! Never waste time calling their phone support, though.

Comment Re:+ 5000 jobs, - many more. (Score 1) 301

Sorry, didn't realize I wasn't logged in earlier, re-posting:

T-Mo actually does charge for tethering, $15/mo. It is easy to bypass, but they do charge for it claiming it is a "feature" to "protect your phone" when you tether. I know this because I pay for it on my MIL's line on my account. She is happy to pay the $15/mo extra and I'm happy to not change her useragent string and have to deal with impromptu tech support calls about it.

Comment Re:what does it do? manage updates? (Score 1) 54

How is this different from Active Directory with SMS and WSUS? I'm not trying to be facetious; I'm genuinely curious. I mostly do optical fiber link work but have had to dabble in the PC/Software side of running things more than once, and last I did, was using SMS and WSUS to do most of what this seems to offer (to me).

Comment First? But really... (Score 1) 146

Is this plan new? I signed up for the "free monthly trial" of OnLive awhile back but it still required me to purchase (at retail prices) games in addition to the waived monthly fee. Why would I want to pay retail and a continuing monthly maintenance fee for a game, exactly?

Comment T-Mobile G1 w/ ConnectBot (Score 1) 359

You can pick up a used G1 for $50 or less and hop on almost any carrier network you prefer. ConnectBot is free, works like a champ. The G1 has a full hardware keyboard, with numerals on their own row. I've gotten quite a bit of use out of mine with this setup until I finally upgraded to a newer phone.

Comment Re:Still no UMA (Score 1) 132

But the trick behind this is that it only works with an active data plan. Broken much? There is still no way to use a BB on T-Mobile functionally without paying for a data plan (except making calls, but who does that?). I can use 100% of the features on my G1 over WiFi only; no data plan needed.

Comment Also... (Score 1) 425

Dumping tickets aside, what about for memorabilia sake? Growing up I sure kept every ticket stub I had since it was the only memorabilia I could afford and I was never lucky enough to snag a pick/drum stick/shirt/etc. I've also had a problem of buying tickets for a group and having 1 or more people back out last minute -- it seems silly to waste seats to a good show, so I've always ended up just giving them away to anybody who will take them.

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