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Comment Reliability of the source? (Score -1) 535

If you show the average person evidence that someone is doing something bad, they might ask questions about the reliability of the evidence. If his own spy agency shows Trump evidence that Russia is doing something bad, he denounces them and has an off-the-record chat with Putin. I wouldn't trust a spy agency as a general rule - their whole existence is about getting what they want by deception - but I'd hardly trust the Russians when it comes to a domestic agency's claims against them. This immediately leads to questions about why a president might trust a foreign power over his own agencies. And more questions when there are records of his team attempting to work with that same power to scuttle an opponent's election bid, that have been consistently lied about in an obvious cover-up. But this is Trump, so this will amount to another round of Twitter outrage and blow over.

Comment I'm not a big fan of the spying (Score -1, Troll) 100

While I am no fan of being spied on I know that it's being done for my own good. There are terrorists and bigots everywhere these days. I have been personally attacked physically because of my sexual orientation (which I am totally unapologetic for) twice and I know the more rights we gain the more the rhetoric and attacks are going to go up so I have to reluctantly support the government in trying to tighten the noose on the bigots and terrorists out there. You know, if you're above board you won't ever have any problems with the government anyways.

Comment This cop is clearly wrong (Score -1, Flamebait) 489

It's pretty obvious to me that this cop is in serious trouble here as the video makes that very clear. I am a staunch liberal and oppose this racist police brutality but at the same time I know that we need police to enforce the laws that we cherish like gun control and making sure taxes are paid and unfortunately that requires police with guns and military gear now due to the influence of the NRA. It's great though that this was caught on video because we have to weed out these corrupt racist cops.

Comment Re: It almost seems too perfect (Score 0) 41

Strap on? You know, that's offensive because you're making jokes about the Gay Community of which I am a proud member of. I'm also a Linux developer and in my experience most of the other Linux developers I've met in my life have also been homosexuals. Knock it off with the insults and stick to what matters. Let's talk Arm and let's talk Linux. This site is about technology, not bashing the lifestyle choices of people. Thanks and have a good day.

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