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Comment Belkin Wemo Switch (Score 2) 189

Use a Belkin Wemo switch:

I've written a simple utility to switch them on / off based on serial number:


Works for me.


PS: For extra points, wear & monitor a Neurosky EEG monitor:
Write a listener to recognise when you want the switch on (easy to recognise certain meditation patterns) and then use this to toggle the wemo switch closest.
(I've done this - just not on Github ... yet)

Comment Problem with Penrose's suggestion (Score 1) 295

I have a problem with Penrose's hypothesis - maybe someone can clarify.
[Note IANAastrophysicist - so this may display blatant misunderstanding]

If the Universe goes through cycles of:
Big Bang-->Lots of matter (baryonic particles)-->No matter, just energy (photons) --> BB --> ...
then this suggests that space was not created at BB only matter - so universe is spatially infinite but matter expands into it following BB and then breaks down (eventually) and then we have a big-bang event again and the cycle repeats.

I thought one essential component of traditional big bang theory was that both space and time were created at the big bang. [I have no problem with the time creation - as time is a function of mass. i.e. no mass => no time]. But how do we get rid of all the space in time for the next BB??

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