Pah. One and zero are the only keys that *are* essential.
That's not been my experience, but of course it may depend a lot on the version and platform. In any case, if you think a brand new project is likely to crash less, I've got news for you...
Avidemux always seemed like a natural partner to VLC to me. Based off the same FFMPEG code, QT or GTK interfaces, straightforward design, and despite the name it can do many file types. It's excellent for simple cut and paste editing, very much a Linux equivalent of Virtualdub. Why do so many free software projects try to reinvent the wheel rather reuse and improve on the code that is out there? I always thought that was the point of free software.
Fail. USB2 is 480Mbps - note the lower case b. That's 60MB per second. Hard drives from 4 years ago exceed this, so it is indeed a bottleneck.
The UK DPA also requires that he have a legitimate reason to hold this data in the first place, which would be either a direct customer relationship, or a third party one like a credit reference agency (where the customer gives permission for the third party data-sharing as part of their credit applications). It also requires that he hold it for no longer than strictly necessary for the purposes of said business relationship. The law in question thankfully makes this an explicitly opt-in thing, outside of government no-one can legally collect your data without your permission and then require you to opt out.
If this was a "post-retirement" project he's been working on, then it would be legal.
No it wouldn't. This guy has no legal basis to acquire or retain this data, he's in very serious breach of the UK Data Protection Act.
It is not required for you to give a shit. You either believe there is a God, believe there is no God, or don't know. Therefore you are either a believer, an atheist or an agnostic.
You don't have any religion, you don't actually believe in god, you just don't rule one out.
Yep, and that bit I highlighted in bold is what makes me an agnostic rather than an Atheist. If that's your position too, then so are you, whatever you call yourself.
the agnostic treats arbitrary claims as meriting cognitive consideration and epistemological respect. He treats the arbitrary as on a par with the rational and evidentially supported.
Bullshit. Being Agnostic does not mean you treat all ideas as worthy of equal consideration. I'm agnostic, but readily acknowledge that every religion I have ever been exposed to is utter nonsense.
The difference between an Agnostic and an Atheist is that the Agnostic remains open to new ideas, whilst the Atheist treats the absence of evidence to support the existence of any sort of God / supernatural power as proof of the opposite. The problem is, lack of proof does not equate to proof of absence. I'll readily concede that there is plenty enough evidence to discredit the fairy-tales told by the major religions, but beyond that you're into the unknown.
Throughout your little anecdote, there's one thing you neglected to point out: she was a free actor who made her own choices.
I neglected to point it out because it both goes without saying, and is only part of the story.
Does that mean it's okay to intentionally coerce her into doing something she doesn't want to do
Make your mind up. Was she a free actor, or was she coerced?
I suspect this Law is intended to protect Ukrainian men from discovering what their wives/girlfriends/daughters got up to on that weekend in Budapest.
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith