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Submission + - Google's AlphaGo beats Lee Se-dol in the first match ( 1

Fref writes: Quote "The Verge": "A huge milestone has just been reached in the field of artificial intelligence: AlphaGo, the program developed by Google's DeepMind unit, has defeated legendary Go player Lee Se-dol in the first of five historic matches being held in Seoul, South Korea. Lee resigned after about three and a half hours, with 28 minutes and 28 seconds remaining on his clock. "
Lee will face off against AlphaGo again tomorrow and on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday

Submission + - Japan to create a nuclear meltdown (

Taco Cowboy writes: Japanese researchers are to start an experiment to better understand what transpires during a nuclear meltdown by attempting to create a "_controlled_ nuclear meltdown.

Using a scaled down version of a nuclear reactor, ~ essentially a meter long stainless steel container, ~ the experiment will involve the insertion of a foot long (30 cm) nuclear fuel rod, starts the fission process, and then follows by the draining of the coolant.

This experiment is scheduled to take place later this year.

Submission + - EU parliament says Prism part of US econ/polit espionage and not anti-terrorism (

Qedward writes: EU politicians said that they doubt data collection by the US National Security Agency has been purely for the fight against terrorism.

In a draft report from the European Parliament's civil liberties committee, published yesterday, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) say that it is "very doubtful that data collection of such magnitude is only guided by the fight against terrorism," and that there may be other motives such as political and economic espionage.

The document urges EU countries to take legal action against the breach of their sovereignty perpetrated through such mass surveillance programmes.

Comment Re:1-0 (Score 1) 357

I'd need further investigation to be sure, but I think that the whole world doesn't amount to just US, Australia, India, US, Japan and Europe... ;)

And, AFAIK, software patents are not relevant for a country like China...

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